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"If this is just a place for shipments, then why is it hidden?" Pidge asked.

Why is Jinx wearing a much more revealing outfit?!

"I was thinking the same thing, let us go take a look" Allura exclaimed.

"I'm with Allura" Jinx spoke up.

"I'm sorry Princess, Jinx, did you say 'us'?" Keith asked the two.

"Yes, we're coming with you, I've traveled through the transportation hubs many times before the war started, so I know my way around" Allura explained.

"And I traveled there with Zarkon, so I know all the nooks and cranies on that thing" Jinx added.

"Princess, I'd rather you stay here, and Jinx it's too risky for you" Coran interejected.

"We're apart of this fight against Zarkon as much as anyone, we're going, does anyone have a problem with that?" Allura asked, getting angry along with Jinx as she crossed her arm's.

Jinx looked me in the eyes and I shrugged.

"Fine, suit up"

As much as I want to protect Jinx, she'd go one way or another, and she's strong, she could handle a little battle.

As we started running to my lion, Jinx slid down faster then me with a serious expression.

"Jinx? Is everything-? Mm!"

She grabbed me by my shoulders and locked our lips together in a firm kiss, I kissed her back before she pulled away a minute later.

"This place is dangerous Shiro, so be very careful, okay?" She asked, her brow raised.

"Of course I'll be careful-"

"Good, now come on!"

We didn't need to go to my lion because it turns out we took Pidge's because of her cloaking device on it.

I tapped on a Galra soldiers shoulder before he turned around.


With one punch, I knocked him out and the rest of the team took care of the other two.

We all sat down near Pidge, Jinx and Keith were lookout for any suspicious Galra activity.

"All clear?"

"All clear"

"I'll be able to get all the information we need in a more minutes" Pidge informed us as she typed away.

Will Zarkon show up?

If so, will he take Jinx away?

Who am I kidding, she's stronger then nails, she wouldn't let herself get captured!

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but I think we got company" Keith spoke up and we all ducked down.

"Think we should get out of here?" Jinx asked in a whisper.

"Stay low, we need this intel" I whispered before something went off and we all had to hide.


He won't go away.

"I think he's waiting for a signal or someth-" Jinx got up!?

Voltron: Blinded Love [Voltron WA 2017]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum