"Why are you trying to get away from me so quickly?" Jackson bites onto my ear softly and whispers.
"I'm not.." I grin and peck his lips before continuing to wash my hair.
After I've rinsed out the shampoo, I apply conditioner then search around for the body wash and a loofah.
"Looking for these?" Jackson smirks.
"Yes.. Can you-".
"Wash you? Of course." He slowly runs the Loofah down my body and stopping at my area. "Jackson.." I begin but he starts to rub. He then adds an finger and turns me around so I can face him.
He kisses me roughly, adding more fingers. I groan in pleasure as my legs tightly wrap around his waist.
"Keep going.." I tell him and I see him smirking again as he goes further.

The next morning I'm exhausted and feeling a little pain. I turn around to face Jackson asleep, his hair all messy and on his face. His muscular arm tightly wrapped around me with the other underneath my head.
I slowly try to remove his arm off me without waking him up.
He groans in his sleep and quickly I move off the bed.

I lean down and kiss his forehead then grab my phone off the bedside table.
It's 6:45 am I have some time to get ready then I'll wake Jackson up.

I creep over to my wardrobe and pick out some clothes. I decide on wearing an skirt since its a bit warm with a thin knit sweater and black doc martens and place them near my bed.

I decide to take another quick shower, so I sneak into the bathroom and turn on the tap. As the water runs down back the memories of last all flash into my mind.

I've fallen for him even more, now I don't feel like I could ever be parted from him.
A smile appears on my face as I remember his lips against mine, his hands on my body, his breath connected with mine.

When I'm finished I wrap myself in an towel and head over back to my room.
I get dresses quickly and wrap an towel around my head to keep my hair dry.

Time is now 7:10 an maybe I should wake him up..
I jump back onto the bed and go underneath his arm again.
I push away the hair in his face, he looks so peaceful and handsome like this..
I kiss his chest softly and trace patterns as I say his name, "Jackson...Jackson...Its time to wake up..".
He again groans and doesn't open his eyes. I kiss his nose softly and repeat what I said. He still doesn't wake up so I decide on doing something else for a change.

I run my hand down and wrap it around his length, then his eyes bolt open. I remove my hand, laughing and smirking at him.
"Morning." I laugh.
"Baby, I like how you try wake me up." He smirks and pulls me closely, his husky voice fills my stomach with butterflies. "We need to go school.." I smile, he rolls his eyes. "But I like it here, like this."
"Get up, please?" I ask him. He straightens himself and sighs. "Fine..."

I peck his lips once more then push his arms off me and move off the bed.
He gets out of bed and pulls his boxers on. I can't take my eyes off him no matter how hard I try.
My heart beats faster, then Jackson notices me starring.
"Can't stop looking huh?" He smirks and kisses near my lips then walks off to his room and gets dressed.

We head downstairs together and thank god everyones asleep. I'm slightly worried that they may of heard Jackson and I, last night..

We take a quick bite then I follow Jackson to his car. I take my seat and watch him start the car.
"Babe can I just drop you off and then come back and sleep?" He asks, driving.
"No! Your coming Jackson." I chuckle and smile at him. He places a hand on my thigh, rolling his eyes.
"Only for you." He says.
"Thank you.." I giggle and kiss his cheek.

We arrive at school and Jackson wraps his arm around my waist, and pulls me close to him as we pass a group of guys.
Everyone's eyes are on us. By everyone I mean everyone.

Students whisper to each other, eyes widen and some people pull disgusted faces, others full of shock including that blonde girl with the curls I had seen once.

Jackson leads me to my locker and removes his arm. "I'll see you soon babe." He says quickly as the bell rings and everyone heads to their next period, apart from some people.
"Alright..Bye" I smile, and watch him walk off. I was sort of expecting a good bye kiss? But... okay..

"Williston, Phobe Williston.." The blonde girl walks over to me, flicking her hair over her shoulder.
"Hi.." I look at her as she puts her hand on her hip.
"I'm Klara, of course. I've seen you before haven't I?" She smirks and leans her elbow against a locker next to mine.
"Yeah.." I smile weakly and turn to my locker.

"How silly of me for not introducing myself earlier.. Well Phobe, I think we should get to know each other better. Maybe if you want you can sit with me and my friends at lunch?" She says smiling down at me, her high heels making her taller than me by a bit.

"Yeah, sure." I agree and smile back. "Great, well I'll see you later then. See you at lunch." She shows off her manicured nails and turns on her heel and walks off towards her group of friends who are all eyeing me.

I slowly shut my locker and move towards my next class.
I turn around and still notice them glaring at me.


Hii everyone, how's everyones weekend going!?
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter because its a continuous one from the previous chapter as you all can see xD
It would be amazing if you followed me on my personal twitter @pellsellstyles and my insta pelin_vural and goodgirlbadboyx

Thank you! I love all of you !! xx

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