Don't Deserve Me

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-----|Harry's P.O.V.|-----

Deafening silence, blinding tears, once the door was opened.

There, on our bed, he molded his lips into hers, as well as their hips.

In our room, she allowed herself to show him the love she was supposed to show for ME ONLY.

The audacity she has to bring him here is overwhelming. I can't believe my eyes.

My Y/N, my girlfriend, the one I considered to be my forever... Betrayed me. And in our own house and bed where we shared our sweetest memories. Guess, they meant nothing to her.

Her eyes widened as soon as she saw me. Pushing at the man's chest to stop him from getting her body more and more dirty. Pathetic.

"H-Harry..." She stuttered out and I wish she didn't because I hated the fact that my name is coming out of her nasty mouth.

It's like my opinion in that girl has changed 180 degrees straight. Like I never knew her. Like I never thought she's the most genuine, lovely, caring girl that I'd love to spend the rest of my life with.

"Don't you dare say my name again, you bloody dirty cheater." I whispered. To say that I am in rage is an understatement.

"You, and that manwhore get the fuck out of my property. RIGHT NOW!"

"No... Please! Calm down, I can explain." She pushed him off of her, worry evident through her eyes as she hurriedly tried to find something to cover her naked self with and he also started dressing. It was so disgusting to watch, really.

"Explain, huh?" I chuckled dryly. "Your explanation will not change what my eyes just saw. That scene will always be engraved in my memory, and I'm not gonna forgive you for hurting me this way."

I tried as much as I could to not let the tears fall. Gravity seemed to love me at that moment as I felt my knees wobble underneath me.

"No! Please! I'm so sorry. Bab-"

"Don't fucking 'baby' me! You cheated on me and you will get the fuck out of my life for that. I don't wanna hear your name, or your voice or about you. I don't want to see you or even be near you from now on. God, I hate you so fucking much right now." I informed, pulling at my hair aggresively as wet streams lined their way down on my cheeks, and on hers too.

I couldn't take it anymore. It was all too much for me... Him standing there like a dump asshole just staring at the both of us, her bawling her eyes out for a break up she brought to herself... I stormed out of the room into the backyard to get some fresh air.

I guess it was all an amazing dream too good to be true. A dream that could've went on for years and years  after we get married, and bring beautiful babies, then get to see each other's first grey hairs.

I wanted all that with her but she destroyed it. Destroyed it all.

-----|8 months later|-----

I don't really know how I managed to get myself on my feet again.

The break up, especially that way, was such a shock for me. It devastated me that I spent nearly 4 months bawling about it, not being able to get over Y/N.

I don't think I did or ever will, to be honest. She was such a huge part of my life. I loved her with all of my heart and I still miss her and long for her. I just wish it's all a nightmare and I'll wake up soon, finding her beside me to kiss me good morning and give my day that needed energy boost I haven't had in 8 months.

I've got loads of texts, calls and voice mails from her after that day but I guess she stopped trying when she realized that it was no use for I didn't reply to any of them.

Though, I read them all. Each and every single one of them. I was curious to know what she wanted to say, how she wanted to explain it, how she was feeling about it and I figured she was pretty devastated as well.

But, I can't be with someone who broke my heart once. 'Cause I know, that they will break it again.
Thoughts? Part 2?

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