Tiring Work

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He looked upset. He sat on a stool in the kitchen, head in his hands.

You closed the door behind you, so careful not to disturb him.
Approaching him you place your hand on his shoulder. It made him look up at you instantly, trying to plaster a small smile.

You knew that something was up even though he smiled weakly. So, you slid your hand under his shirt from the back, scratching the skin of his back with your nails softly, careful not to hurt or cut him, then you started rubbing circles with your palm, his torso shaking with your hand moves from the vulnerability and weakness of his body, his head already back into his hands.

"What's wrong, baby? You look so torn out..." You trailed off. It is totally unlike Harry to be sad or sorrowful. He's usually cheery or just simply his calm but charming self, a smile always decorating his features.

"Nothin'," He whispered. He seems to have relaxed a little bit after the back-rub he got, though he still looks... dull.

You grabbed a stool, and dragged it to Harry's left side, sitting beside him.
"Sweetie, you know you can tell me anything. Please, let it all out. I hate seeing you like this. It upsets me too."

He released a breath, turning his heavy eyes to me. "Work is getting so tiring. You know it even crossed my mind to Zayn." He smirked at his use of the 'expression'. He knew about the small joke of Zayning a.k.a. leaving.

Oh wait, hold on...

"Harry what?! You wanna quit the band?? That's impossible, you can't do that babe. I won't let you, to be honest. There are millions of fans counting on you Harry. They love and cherish you and your voice. Besides, im here with you, through everything! I won't leave your side, im just gonna stick around in everything to help you, to support you, and to lift at least part of the weight off of your shoulders."

"I can't believe what a lucky man I am." He shock his head in disbelief, a look of fondness and love taking over his orbs.

"After everything they'd put you through... the hate, the mobbing, ruining our dates everytime! the rumors and the pictures they professionally photoshoped just to make up a story about me cheating or about you in order to separate us and to end our relationship... and you still care about them and you won't let me quit just for them... you're such an angel (Y/N). I can't believe how generous and forgiving you are."
His hand clutched mine, his thumb rubbing soft circles on the back of it.

I smiled, not helping the chuckle. They did put me through all of that, but at the end I was one of them... I excuse them.

"You know that I was a big directioner before we got to meet, so I would definitely understand the feeling of the heart break seeing your favourite band fall apart, one by one... and each of it's members going in seperate ways... and moreover, there won't be anymore of that music that our ears love the instant they hear it."

"Hmm, you're right, baby." He leaned towards me hugging me so tight that my ribs nearly cracked.

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