Abuser -Part 2

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I heard Harry running down the stairs, then straight into the kitchen. A drawer creaked open and his footsteps approached the living room.

He had a knife in his hand, and the next thing I knew was that he grabbed my jaw and slit my throat.

And that's how I died on the hands of Harry Styles.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA NO NO NO JUST JOKING THIS IS NOT THE REAL PART. LOL. I just wanted to tease u guys, i wanna know how many of you got a heart attack ok? XD I thought a little bit of laughter or a silly deed wouldn't hurt anyone, would it? :) cause we worry a lot and overthink a lot, and we're nearly 24/7 stressed out... that should change though. And i hope this lightened up ur mood a bit... And i hope u don't wanna slit MY throat after that xD :')

But I officially announce that requests for PERSONAL IMAGINES are over.

Doesn't mean u can't request an IDEA. U still can. But for personals for urselves they're off for now. xoxo

Lot's of love.

-----|Harry's P.O.V.|-----

I gasped just as it struck through my brain. How could I forget. Damn it!

I stopped all of my actions and ran down the stairs to the front door. Making sure that (Y/N) was still in the home, sitting on the living room couch, I inserted the key into the keyhole, locking it. I didn't want her to attempt to leave again, well... not yet.

I flew back up the stairs and back to what I was doing. Throwing the key on the nightstand, I resumed my work, fast and quick because it couldn't wait any longer.

In fact, and as shocking as it sounds, I was packing (Y/N)'s things. All of her clothes I put them in 2 big travel bags, her makeup and toiletries in her handbags, and the shoes were placed in a cartoon box.

I only left one outfit on the bed along with one pair of high heels. It's my favorite jeans and blouse on her, with their colour-matching shoe.

I made sure everything I planned in mind was set and ready, before strutting down to get my    maltreated girlfriend.

Her head snapped up, looking at me with those afraid eyes i've come so familiar with in the past months.

My eyebrows creased, forgetting what I wanted to say for a moment, before I pushed all the other thoughts away and focused on my purpose.

"Come." I said, barely above a whisper. My hand held out for her to take, but she wouldn't do so. Honestly I don't think she'll ever trust me again, though I wish she would.

She shook her head no, pressing herself further into the couch.

My shakey hand fell to my side, I didn't know what to do, how am I supposed to ask her to do something without making her afraid thinking i'll hit her?!

"J-Just come with me, please." I pleaded her, hoping she'd agree.

"What are you going to do?" Her small, husky voice spoke, and I haven't heard it in a long time, because she didn't talk much, and that made it husky and kind of scratched.

"Nothing, I swear. You're safe, I won't ever abuse you again, I promise." My eyes pleaded for her consent, sorrow and guilt filling me up to the most.

I started taking a few steps back, holding eye contact with her (Y/E/C) eyes to indicate for her to tag along, which worked.

She stood up slowly, taking steady steps, and her fisted hands held tightly to her chest.

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