Quick Imagine+A/N

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A quick imagine for u ma babezzz. Lavvv yaa.

Pending Imagines:
-2 Personals(Requested through PM's. If anyone asked for one in the comments in 2015 please re-request by PM'ing me, otherwise I won't consider it. xo)
-1 requested idea(from Sept.2015)
-An imagine for New Year.

"What you doin'?" You asked Harry, coming and sitting beside him on the couch.

He looked at you, then turned back to the TV, changing channels and patting the kitten Toutou in his lap on the head.

"Ahem... Haz?" You asked.

"What?" He replied coldly, a crease made by his eyebrows.

"What's gotten into you?" You pouted, your hands pulling on his bicep.

He just turned away not giving you any attention. You were confused, in all honesty, you didn't know what's happened to him suddenly...


"Do we order dinner or do you want me to cook something quick?" You asked cheerfully, trying to lighten up the mood that's been as lime water since afternoon.

"Whatever," he whispered. He picked up Toutou and went up the stairs to the bedroom.

"Oh, no! It's not whatever! Can you fucking tell me what's wrong with you? Since afternoon and you're 180 degrees different from the morning. What happened, huh? Tell me or else..."

You couldn't take it anymore, you had to know what was going on and exploding after being fed up all day was the only way.

He stopped dead in his tracks turning around to face you with furious eyes.

----|Harry's P.O.V.|----

"YOU! You made fun of the little cute socks I got for Toutou and laughed at me! You... you..."

I repeated as I was at loss of words and so was she.

"You humiliated me and made me feel small and stupid! You hurt MY FUCKING FEELINGS!" I screamed.

Her face reflected pure shock before she burst out into a fit of laughter.

I cringed, the cut that she started in my heart deepening more and more. I looked down, already feeling the heat creep onto my cheeks. I trusted her, I thought that she's the person I could confide in.

She stopped laughing and suddenly I felt her figure stand infront of me and her arms surrounded my torso, hugging me into her chest, though I didn't hug her back.

"Oh, Harry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to hurt you, my love. You know how much I love you and your ideas and the smallest things you get or do. It's just that they were so funny and I couldn't resist my laughter." She pulled back a little, a pink blush taking over her cheeks.

"Then why were you laughing when I told you that you made fun of me... You repeated it unashamed."

"Because," she suppressed a laugh to continue, "you were holding Toutou and you dropped her without noticing and she just tried to bat her arms in the air and it was so freaking funny."

I looked down, seeing that the cat was no longer in my hands but lying on the floor.

I looked up to see (Y/N) starring at me in adoration then, I put my arms around her and buried my head into her neck.

"Ohh, my tini-mini Toutou lover," she cooed at me and I couldn't help but giggle.

She always use this expression when she sees me giving our kitten extra love and attention.

"I'm really sorry, Harry. Please forgive me. I never intended to hurt your feelings."

"But you laughed at me. You're my girlfriend, you're supposed to support me no matter what... Even if it was silly." I whispered the last part, pouting my lips a bit.

"I know, Harry. And that's all that matters to me; to support you and be by your side in thick and thin. But it doesn't mean that I didn't love them. They were funny and I laughed that's all. But they're so cute. You know what? C'mon!"

She grabbed Toutou in her arms then nudged my shoulder with hers to make me move. I proceeded and walked.

We stopped infront of our bedroom door and she nodded for me to open it.

(Y/N) placed Toutou on the bed then went to the closet, getting out the socks I bought.

"Here. Let's put them on, shall we?" She smiled sweetly.

I blushed, like literally blushed like damn girls. (Y/N) noticed and just placed a lingering kiss on my cheek to sooth my nerves.

I took two of the socks and she took two and we started putting them on for Toutou.

She looked so cute in them. Fidgeting all the time and looking at her hands and legs to see 'what's that on them!'

And (Y/N) insisted on making me feel better by taking a selfie with Toutou.

That's it ... XD

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