How you meet

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I hope you don't find my imagine cliche ... loL. If you did, then blame my bestie Lara_Ganem she gave me the idea. :p xD jk. But you could read her fanfic Torn Apart (H.S. fic) because it's awesome believe me.
Here we go. Enjoy.

------|Your P.O.V.|------

I was sitting at a corner table in a small coffee shop. I always come to this place because it's small (but fancily and simply decorated), not too crowded, and is visited by quite a lot of celebrities. Well, only crowded in the presence of famous people.

I've already met Calvin Harris and Emma Watson. And I still can't believe it. Damn, London was always a good choice. Though I wish it was Harry Styles, everyday I pray (AN:hey that rhymes) to see him, my celebrity crush.

Guess it's my lucky day... A fucking Harry Styles for real, or a pissed one may I say, emerged through the door and his two body guards closed and guarded it from the outside to prevent the huge number of fans from destroying the shop.

He looked around to find a private place, but it was occupied, by ME. He rolled his angry eyes, and sat at the table infront of me. Facing me, to give his back to the door. I guess he didn't want people to take more photos than they already were.

I've never seen him that angry in my whole life. In images and videos he'd always appear smiley, goofy, silly, normal, anything but that furiou-

"What in the fuck are you fucking staring at?"

His harshly-spitted words interrupted my thoughts. I was too into thinking that I didn't notice I was actually staring at him all the time, which caused him to snap at me and curse twice with narrowed eyes.

I looked down, very embarrassed and humiliated and of course my face turned into a tomato!

I grabbed my phone and purse after I paid and was hurrying to get out.

Who does he think himself? Just because he's angry and he's famous as fuck doesn't mean he has the right to snap at me and embarrass me. Even if I loved him a lot, nobody can step on my dignity! No one.

I was about to reach the door when a hand held my arm and spun me around gently. "Im so sorry love, I shouldn't have took out my anger on you, but someone pinched my arm while I was getting mobbed (pic on the side) and I was very mad that I couldn't have a peaceful day." He let go of my arm and put his other hand on his heart (like he always does when he apologises) "Am truly sorry. Forgive me?"

Fuck. Why did he have to give me those hopeful eyes. No (Y/N). Don't. Don-

"Yes. I forgive you." Ugh, but Im not surrendering that fast. "I hope you realise that snapping at a girl and humiliating her is like stepping on her dignity which is awful. You wouldn't want that for Gemma."

He chuckled a bit, "You're hundred percent right. I'd kill anyone who would do that to her, that's why I hope you don't tell your brother if you have one."

A laugh left my lips. I forgot my anger, and he did too, and all I could do is laugh at his funny comment and laugh even more at his cute giggle and charming smile afterword.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't.And im sorry also for staring too long,I was consumed by my thoughts. It probably looked rude." I smiled a bit.
"No worries. Um, i'd like to make it up to you. You know I probably ruined your day... uh, can I have your number? I mean I could arrange something and we'd hang out forgetting the thing..."

"Yeah sure. Besides if you weren't that angry I would've already took a photo with you." He laughed, nodding his head.

I gave him my number. And we went out on a date that night. He was such a gentleman, taking me to a fancy restaurant, being so gentle and careful with his words, taking out my chair for me, opening the car door for me and even walking me to my doorstep.

And we sealed the night with a small kiss ;) .


THAT WAS SHITTY I FEEL IT. IK MY APOLOGIES PEOPLE. The better is to come soon. Bye. Xx vote and comment xoxo

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