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You and Harry have been married for a year now. You guys tried for babies a lot and it was bothering you that you weren't getting pregnant.

On the other hand, Harry seemed perfectly fine with it, always telling you that "We could try again" or "That's fine, we could have fun as much as we want if so," (note the cheeky grin he would have).

But today, you wanted to tell him that it's right to see a doctor.

This thing was important, the future of your family depending on it, you couldn't ignore it.

He was recording some songs for the band's new album at the studio, which you had to wait for him to get back home so you could tell him.


You finished putting your last touch into the lunch food as Harry emerged through the front door.

"Hello kitten," He smiled pressing a gentle kiss to you lips.

"Hi honey," He took off his jacket and shoes and sat straight at the kitchen table, hunger evident in his eyes, since he was about to drool when he smelt the delicious aroma of chicken wings.

You laughed at him, making him smile lovingly at you, as you put his plate infront of him and placed two wings in it so he could dig in.

"Mmm," He moaned, chewing on his food.

"You know how much I love the special sauce you make for chicken wings, don't you?" He spoke through a full mouth.

You giggled at his cuteness, nodding and cutting another piece of the lunch with your fork and knife, "I do."
You didn't want to ruin his joy while eating, so you waited until he finished to tell him.

He was taking the last bite when you spoke up, "Harry, I wanna consult a doctor, about... bringing babies and stuff..." You trailed off.

He choked on his food, nearly suffocating and started to cough violently. You jumped up to help him, pouring him a glass of water and patting his back.

"Oh my God, are you fine?" You asked, concerned.

"Yeah, im good." The last cough escaped his lips before he took another swig of water.

You sat again on your chair, still waiting for his answer.

"Uhm, well, as you like darling, we can see a doctor but why don't we wait a litt-"

"No Harry, we've waited for a year, I think it's time." You cut him off.

He looked down, entwined his hands on the table, and sighed.

"Alright. How about we make an appointment with Gemma's doctor? She must know about those things too, other than delivering..."

By Gemma's doctor, he ment Mrs. Jackson, she delivered Gem's healthy son. In case you were wondering, yes, Gemma got married before us to a lovely man called Tim, and they have a chubby little cutie now.

"Okay, im fine with that."

A few hours later, after you finised the house chores you contacted Gemma for the doctor's number.
Dr. Jackson's assistant gave you an appointment the next day at 1:30 pm.

-----|The Next Day|-----

Harry went to the studio to finish his last bit of recording, so you made sure the house was clean then went to get ready.

By 1:15 your husband was home to pick you up and you headed straight to the clinic.

When you arrived, a nurse led you to the room where Dr. Jackson was waiting for you both.

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