Chapter Thirty-One

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My eyes snap open at the sound of my name. I look around and realize that I am on the floor. I stand up and then another realization hits me:

I'm a wolf.

I feel different. I feel-powerful. I am not longer the weak human that I was. Now I'm a werewolf. Something I vowed to never let myself be.

I look down at my body and all I see is white fur. I am a white wolf. Snow White and it is spottles.


There's my name again, except I am hearing it in my head. I look up and see a smiling Alexander knelt down in front of me. He is in his human form and he is showered, his hair is still wet, and he is wearing dressed black pants and a navy button down shirt. He has the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and he has is untucked. I notice all of this just by meeting his gaze.

You are so beautiful, he says in my head.

I don't know why he's just not talking but it's nice hearing his voice. It's nice to know that he's okay. He reaches out and caresses the top of my head.

I am not a dog, I complain but it feels good.

He chuckles. "I know, silly, you are just so soft..." He says with a dreamy look on his face.

How do I turn back? You are more intimidating this way, I ask in my head.

He leans in and pecks what would be my forehead. "Just close your eyes and concentrate. Imagine yourself human again."

I close my eyes and do just that. Before I have time to feel anything, I open my eyes and realize that I am human again...and naked.

Alexander laughs. "Remind me to always be there when you shift back."

I blush covering myself with my hands. He puts his arms around me and I realize that he is putting a blanket around me also. "How do you feel?"

I shrug, sadly. "Defeated."

"You are unhappy."

It's not a question.

I sigh and walk away from him. "For how long have I been out?"

"About a day."

"Did we win?"

He sighs and covers his face with his hands. "With BlueRaven, yes."

I frown. "What do you mean with BlueRaven?"

He looks at me. "BlackMoon is attacking as we speak. You were right about Rose. She was sent here to spy on us. They had a pact with BlueRaven."

That bitch! "How is that going?" I'm scared to ask.

"The pack is tired but there are many of us. We are winning. I am waiting for Hector to arrive and then I'll just finish him." He finishes with a shrug.

The news of him being in danger is not thrilling but the idea of him killing Hector and Rosalie is.

"Aren't you supposed to be with the pack?"

He shakes his head and puts his arms around me. "I am not leaving you ever again. Specially now that you are carrying my pup."

I pull away and frown as I remember.

Alexander is glowing. He is smiling and I can tell that the news make him happy.

"What's wrong?" he asks still smiling.

"What's wrong?" I ask in disbelief. "You think I wanted this, Alexander? You think I want to be a werewolf?"

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "It was going to happen sooner or later. Aren't you glad? She saved your life!"

"What if I didn't want to be saved?"

"Not even because of that baby your carrying?"

I glare at him. "I didn't want to have kids, Alex! I am too young for this! I don't want this!" I say pointing at my stomach.

His mouth turns into a hard line and he is glaring down at me. "I will not tolerate you talking about our pup like that."

"No, your pup. I don't want it. I still have my whole life ahead of me! I can't have a baby! I don't want to have it!" I am yelling but I don't care. I can finally yell all of this to his face. When I found out, I couldn't do anything about it but I can now.

Alexander grabs me by the shoulders. "I can't believe you are saying this!"

"Well believe it! All of this is your fault!" my wolf growls at me but I ignore her. There are tears on my cheeks and I hate it.

Alex is looking at me with so much sadness in his eyes, that it almost makes me feel guilty. "You are having that baby, whether you want to or not!" he almost yells at me and then he walks out.

"Arggh!" I yell in frustration.

Of course he wants the kid, he's not the one who's giving up his life!

I take a long, hot shower. As I am changing, I examine myself on the full length mirror. I am surprised when I don't see any scars around my neck or all around my body. Every single scar is gone and I look-good. Healthy.

I actually smile at this. I turn around and gasp when I see a tattoo behind my right shoulder. It is a small, brown half moon and the head of a black wolf howling under it. Alexander.

This is the mark of a Luna. Now that I am a wolf, it has appeared. Its cute but I don't like the title. My gaze then drops to my stomach. It is still flat but I run my hands around it. There's something growing in there. What did my wolf call it? Him.

How can she know the gender already? Well she knew I was pregnant before me.

"Pregnant." I whisper then I shake my head.

No, I don't want this. I don't want to be a mom! I don't want to have kids! How could I be reckless enough to not protect myself? Now it's too late. As much as I don't want it, I can't bring myself to kill him. I just couldn't do it. But what am I supposed to do with a baby? I can't even take care of myself.

With a frustrated sigh, I put on a blouse with jeans and ignore my reflection. I comb my hair, slowly, and it is then when I hear the growling. I stand up and look out the window. I watch as a big, orange wolf approaches the house with two smaller wolves by his side. It must be Hector and I recognize one of the smaller wolves as Rosalie's wolf.

I run downstairs and find Alexander on the living room, looking out the window.

"Alex, they're outside!" I yell at him.

He turns around and nods at me. "I am waiting for them to make the wrong move."

"How can you be so calm about this? They're here to kill us!"

He puts his arms around me and I feel him shake. "I won't let anything happen to you, Leila. Ever. Don't fear okay?"

But I can't help it. I am scared even in his protective arms. I look around the house and realize I'm alone. Just him to fight all three of those wolves. Where's Jake? Matt? Are they alive? Who else has died?

"Please don't shift." Alexander is whispering in my ear. "It is dangerous for the baby and you are inexperienced. It will only make it harder for me to protect you."

I nod, not knowing what else to say or do. I am amazed on how calm he sounds, like he does this everyday.

"Back off, Rosalie." he suddenly says.

I can't see her so she must be behind me. I bury my face in Alexander's chest. I jut want all of this to be over already.

I hear Rosalie laugh, so she is human again, "Did I hear baby? Is your precious mate pregnant?"

Alex doesn't say anything.

Rosalie laughs again. "Well, this makes this much more interesting."

Alexander growls and he tightens his arms around me. "You lay one finger on her, and you are dead."

His threat sounds so promising, that even Rosalie shuts up. I look up and see the two other wolves walking in. Their glowing eyes glaring at me.

"Alex... "I say nervously.

"You are both dead." Rosalie is saying. "You will never make it. And to think that all you had to do is accept me as your mate, Alex, I would have been the perfect Luna, unlike her."

Alexander is shaking but he doesn't say anything. Why? What is he thinking? And then I remember.

Alex? I ask in my mind.

To my surprise he answers.

Trust me, okay?

I nod slowly on his chest and then it starts.

Right after I nod, Alexander pushes me against the wall so that I am in the corner. I hit my head but nothing serious. In that same second, Alexander explodes into his huge black wolf and he attacks the two wolves at the same time. I stare at the scene in front of me more amazed than scared. Alex takes both of the wolves with so much rage and I understand why he was never afraid of them: they are no challenge for him. Growls fill the house and things get destroyed but I feel protected. My wolf is proud of Alexander and so am I. I have no idea what is going on in that fight, all I know is that Alexander is winning and that I might actually get out alive.

And then I see Rosalie walking towards me with a triumphant smile on her face. "You are so dead, Leila." she says with a hungry smile.

I want to shift. This is a first to me but I want to shift so freaking bad to bit that smile off her stupid face. Surprisingly enough, my own wolf is what keeps me from shifting.

Too dangerous for him, she explains.

Oh right, I'm pregnant.

Rosalie is suddenly in front of me and Alexander is too into the fight to notice. This is it. I am really dying right here, right now and I am not even drunk.

"Oh no, you don't."

Matt suddenly appears out of no where and pushes Rosalie off to the fight where Alexander literally bites her head off.

"I heard you were knocked up?" Matt almost yells over the growling.

I glare at him. "As much as I am glad that you are not dead, it's not the place nor the time."

He grins. "I am flattered you thought of me."

"Do you want to die?"

He pecks my cheek. "As long as you're the last thing I see."

"I'm pregnant, you can't flirt with me." I complain.

"I have to enjoy this whole you're still skinny."

I punch his arm causing him to crack up laughung. "Not. Funny." I say glaring at him.

His laugh is cut short as he stares at me with wide eyes. "Whoa. I can actually feel your Luna power."

I smile. "Good. Now, is Jake okay?"

He nods. "He's alive."

I sigh of relief. "Thank God!"

"Umm, no, thanks to me actually. I literally saved his life!"

I roll my eyes at him. "I'm glad you're here, Matt."

"He's not." he says and I follow his gaze.

Alexander is walking towards us, wearing shorts and I wonder where he got them so fast, and he is growling at Matt. I look behind him and see all three bodies dead on the ground. I know this makes me sound bad but I'm glad to see them dead. Specially Rosalie.

"Get away from her." Alex tells Matt.

I sigh. "You literally just killed three people and you still have energy for jelousy?"

"I will always be jelous, Leila, so get used to it," he says to me then turns to glare at Jake. "If you want to survive, disappear by today or I will kill you myself."

"Alexader!" I scold.

Matt shrugs. "It's okay, Leila, I was gonna come to tell you I'm leaving anyway."

I walk to him and, ignoring Alexander's glare, I put my arms around him. He's surprised at first but then hugs me back until my possessive mate pulls us apart.

I sigh. "I know I only knew you for a few days but I consider you one of my closest friends."

"You are a Luna, you are not supposed to hold friendships with rogues." Alexander says sounding annoyed but I decide to discuss that later.

Matt smiles. "Same to you, Leila. My offer still stands." he says glancing nervously at Alexander who turns to look at me with a frown.

"What offer?" He asks.

I ignore that too and I smile back at Jake. "Thanks but no thanks."

We laugh and then Matt clears his throat. "I, uh, should go."

I roll my eyes at him. "Scared of an Alpha?"

Alexander takes a step forward. "He should be."

I place a hand on his chest and look at Matt. "Yeah, go now before it's too late."

He smiles at me before turning around and walking away.

I glare at Alexander. "Rude."

He puts his arms around my waist. "I want you all to myself."

I raise an eyebrow. "Selfish much?"

He pecks my lips and smiles. "No, I just love you too much to let you go."

I look up at him and smile shyly. "Then don't."

He kisses me. "Never," he murmurs against my lips.

And it was just about the best kiss.


We are coming to the end of this book! I am am so happy with the support I got and I just want to thank you guys so THANK YOU!!:) I don't know how many more chapters are left but we are close:) please comment and vote!:D

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