Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"I'm so glad everything's back to normal." Jake murmurs from the couch.

Alice smiles next to him. "I don't know how it was before but it's really good to have Rosalie gone."

I smile. "You have no idea."

Jake raises his eyebrows. "The Luna can't take some competition?"

I throw a pillow at his face. "Shut up! Who does?"

"Good point." Alice agrees.

"You guys are boring me to death with all your romance conversations." Matt announces next to me.

Alexander has agreed that Matt can be a 'bodyguard' for me. I don't mind. Matt and I have grown closer these past two weeks. Two weeks and BlueRaven hasn't attacked. We don't know why they're waiting but Alexander already has everyone warned and ready for battle. They are training as we speak.

"You need a girlfriend." I tell Matt.

He winks at me. "The girl that I want is currently taken."

"Keep making comments like that and you are dead." Alexander warns walking in through the back door.

Jake and Alice stand up and bow. "Alpha."

Alexander smiles. "Go catch up on what you missed."

Alice hugs me before walking out.

Alexander smiles at me. "See? You can make female friends."

I roll my eyes at him. "Alice is an exception. I told you, I get better along with guys."

He glares at Matt. "And you know how much I hate that."

I stand up and peck his lips. "Stop it."

"Go." he tells Matt before putting his arms around me.

"I don't like him." he pouts.

I giggle. "I know and don't pout, you know what that does to me."

He flashes me a sexy smile. "Well I'll like to do something about that."

And then I am pushed on the couch with him on top of me. It's a big couch, thank God. I don't have time to say anything else because he attacks my lips.

"My wolf wants you so bad." he murmurs against my lips.

It's my turn to pout. "Just your wolf?"

He smiles. Myself too, of course. I love you, Leila."

I peck his lips. "Not as much as I love you."

"I doubt that." he says then begins to kiss my neck. I throw my head back to give him better access.

He pulls my shirt over my head and goes back on kissing. Ohmygod. I am so turned on and we just did it this morning like a few hours ago. What is it about him that makes me want him so much? Like every second of the day? Am I some kind of sex addict now?

I reach the end of his shirt and pull it over his head.

"You are so hot." I say staring at his chest.

"Not nearly as hot as you babe." He says breathless.

"Umm, yeah, it's kind of embarrassing to have your boyfriend be hotter than you."

He stops and looks at me. "You really have no idea how sexy you are do you?" his hand trails to my bare feet and begins to go up slowly, sending twinkles all over my freaking body making me even more turned on. "You, my mate, are sexy as hell. Do you not see how other males look at you? You have such perfect long legs. And your curves..." his hand is not on my thigh...going up my waist... His eyes are glowing blue and he looks beautiful. Like a god. He chuckles. "You look so cute when you blush."

I roll my eyes at him. "Just shut up and take me now!"

He smiles. "Whatever you say, my Luna."


"Did we really just do it in the couch?" I whisper, breathless as Alexander puts his arms around me.

He pecks my forhead. "I'll make it a challenge to do it on every furniture in here."

I giggle."Is it wrong for me to look forward to that?"

He kisses me. "Is it wrong for me to want you again already?"

I pull him closer to me. "Well, we can do something about that."

We are in the middle of kissing when he suddenly growls. I pull away and frown at him. "What's wrong?"

He looks at me dreadfully. "BlueRaven just crossed the boundaries."

I feel my eyes get wide. "Did it start?"

He nods.

"Are you going?" I whisper a little scared.

He kneels in front of me. "Of course not . I am not going to leave your side. The pack knows what to do."

I sigh of relief. "Thank you."

"Besides, you're in heat and I need to keep you locked in here."

I blush. "No time to be jealous right now, Alex!"

He laughs and I love the sound.

I stand up. "I will have a shower."

He nods and I can tell he's worried. I feel bad about keeping him in here. Maybe if I was a wolf, I would be able to help. They're having this fight because of me anyway.

As I shower, I think about how I'm here showering, while the pack is fighting BlueRaven for my sake. Jake, Alice, and Matt are out there in their wolf forms fighting other wolves...

With that thought, I get out of the shower and change into jean shorts and a blouse. When I get downstairs, Alexander is looking out the window wearing only the black shorts. He turns around when I walk into the living room. "Is something wrong?"

He shakes his head as he reach out for me and sits me on his lap. "No, the pack is handling BlueRaven pretty well."

"They need you don't they?" I sigh. "God, I feel so guilty. Jake Alice, Matt, they all are fighting right now and I am just sitting here."

"Their job is to protect their Luna so stop feeling guilty. And I am not leaving your side. Kyle is a good leader."

I frown. "What happened to Tony?"

He meets my gaze. "I will not tolerate insults to my mate specially from the Beta of my pack."


I shrug. "He has never liked me."

"Yeah well, this is what he gets."

"Would you prefer someone stronger as your mate, Alexander? Someone like Rosalie?"

"Where did that come from?"

"I will never be a wolf. I will never be the Luna everyone wants me to be."

He sighs. "Leila, please, I thought we were over that? I love you for who you are. My pack will always recognize you as their Luna but I don't care that you don't want that or that you are human. I don't care. How many times do I have to tell you? I-" he suddenly stands up and I would have fallen on my ass if it weren't for my fast legs. "Oh no."

I frown. "Alex? What's wrong?"

He looks down at me. "Kyle is hurt. I have to go."

I nod, bravely. "Please be careful."

He nods. "I will send Jake and Matt and the house is surrounded. You are safe, don't worry." he kisses me. "Don't get out of the house, please. For once, listen to me okay?"

I nod fighting back the tears. I watch him walk out of the house.

Why am I getting this feeling that I'm never going to see him again? I want to run after him and tell him he promised to not leave me alone but I don't want to hold him back to save his pack. I knew that this was going to happen. I don't want to be the reason someone dies. I just hope nothing happens to him because I can't live without him, literally.

I touch the mark on my neck and for once, I am thankful for it. If something happens to Alexander, I'll know.

My phone suddenly rings, making me jump. I look at the caller ID and smile.


"Leila? Thank God you're okay!"

"So you've heard?"

"Impossible not to. Jasper is an idiot for going against SilverMoon specially because of Alexander."

"Yeah, I just want this to be over." I murmur sadly.

"Alex won't let anything happen to you." he says but it sounds like he's trying to convince himself.

"I know." I say.

"I would bring you here but Damian chooses this time to attack again."

"Are you alright?" I ask worried.

"Yeah, we are coping good. He won't get me this time."

"Please be careful, Mike. I can't loose you."

I can almost see his smile. "Don't worry about me. You take care, please. Don't do anything stupid."

I snort. "Your lack of confidence is insulting."

He laughs then I hear some background voices. "Listen, I have to go, please take care. I love you, lil' sis."

"I love you too, Mike, take care." I say before the line goes dead.

I hug myself. Everyone I love is in danger while I'm here doing nothing. I don't know how much time passes. All I know is that the sun goes down and it begins to get dark. Jake and Matt have arrived by then but we don't talk. I am too worried. I go up to the room and look out the window. I can see Wolves outside, guarding but I won't be safe until I'm in Alexander's arms again.

I am looking out the window when I hear a footstep behind me. I freeze. Very slowly, I turn around and bite my lip to keep myself from yelling.

Jasper smiles in the dark, his white teeth glowing. "Hello , Leila."

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