Chapter Twenty-Five

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My eyes open instantly at the sound of my name. My vision is blurry and I am confused about where I am for a moment.

It's dark and I realize that the car has stopped moving.

"We're here." Alexander says softly next to me.

I look out the window and realize that we are parked outside the house. Alexander opens the door for me and he puts an arm around my waist and helps me get out.

He pecks the top of my head and then I let him walk me into the house where we go up to his room and I fall asleep in his arms.


The next morning, I wake up to an empty bed which kind of brings down my spirits because I didn't think Alexander would leave me so soon but I ignore that feeling and get in the shower. He still has my clothes in his closet, thank God, so I change into jean shorts and a blouse. I let my hair down so it would dry and head downstairs.

I am surprised to not did Jake in the living room and then I remember that he has a mate now.

Is it selfish of me to wish that he never would have found her? Jake is the only guy here whom I feel comfortable around.

And then I hear laughter and I bite my tongue to keep myself from gasping at the little scene in the dining room.

Alexander is there alright, he is sitting down with a girl. I can't see her face but she has long, straight, blond hair.

Oh God.

And then Alexander sees me and he rushes to me. "Leila," he says and I am pleased when he grabs my hand and leads me to the table where the blonde stands up.

She is really pretty and mature looking. Judging from looks, my guess is that she is in her late twenties. I immediately decide I don't like her the moment she smiles at me and says, "Well, I finally meet the famous Leila."

But she says it as if I were some problem she needs to get rid of. I brace myself. I can't let her know that she is making me very angry.

"Who are you?" I demand with a frown.

"Leila, this is Rosalie, she is an old friend that, uh, is staying here for a while."

I glare up at him. "Staying here, in your house?"

Alexander looks uncomfortable as he nods.

Rosalie suppresses a laugh. "You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart. Alex and I have known each other since we were babies."

"Don't call me sweetheart." I growl.

Alexander puts an arm around my waist. "Leila, please."

"Please what, Alexander? Why did you bring me back here if you already have a replacement?" I demand angrily.

I don't care that she's listening. In fact, I'm glad she is. I don't like the way she's looking at him. My wolf and I agree on this not that I need her permission or anything. Alexander is mine and I am not going to let some bitch get in the way.

He gets in front of me so that he's giving his back to Rosalie.

"You are mine, Leila, as I am yours. You have nothing to be jealous about, okay?" he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "I love you and you, ONLY."

His words make me feel letter but I see Rosalie smirking behind him.

I sigh as I take a step back. "I need some fresh air."

He winces. "You are not running away right?"

I half smile. "Of course not. I'll see you later."

I am not thrilled about leaving him alone with HER but I really need to get out of the house.


I turn around and glare at Jake who is walking to me with Alice. Under other circumstances, I would have been happy to see him but not today.

"When exactly were you planning on telling me about Rosalie?"

His smile fades and he looks embarrassed. "If I would have told you, you wouldn't have come back."

"Of course not! " I yell angrily.

He hands me a bar of chocolate and I take I because I know I need it.

Alice sighs. "Jake, why don't you leave me alone with her?"

Jake nods and he pecks her lips before walking away.

"Let's go to the river?" Alice suggests and because I have no where else to go, I follow her to the river where we sit down on the grass. I have never been on this side of the house and I regret not ever coming. The view is beautiful in front of us with the sun reflecting on the river. But I am too angry to say anything instead, I begin to eat the chocolate bar.

"When did she get here?" I finally ask.

"I found Jake three months ago, when I got here, she was already here."

"Well he sure found a replacement really fast."

"Rosalie is not your replacemnet, Leila, at least not to the Alpha. Rosalie, though, has other things in mind. She came with the excuse that the Alpha wasn't doing good with your absence however, I never saw an improvement until today. What Rosalie couldn't do in three months, you did in a few hours."

"She wants my spot." I realize and that just makes me more angry.

Alice nods slowly. "Yes, she does. She goes to the clearings, Leila, and behind the Alpha's back, she tells everyone that she is the new Luna. She wishes."

"Why isn't Alexander doing anything?" I ask mostly to myself.

"Because the Alpha believes she is the same noble, innocent, friend she was the last time he saw her."

"I hate her." I decide.

Alice nods. "Everyone does. Everyone wanted you back, Leila, you are the only one who can get rid of her."

"She's a wolf, Alice, I can't fight with that."

Alice smiles. "But you are fierce, Luna, I've seen it and you can do it. Use your charms or are you just going to sit there and watch as she takes the Alpha away?"

"He is mine." I say glaring at the water.

"Then let her know that."

"I told you she was alright," we suddenly hear Rosalie said.

We both turn around and I smile when I see Alexander walking towards me and Rosalie glaring at me behind him.

He picks me up and pecks my lips. "You were out for a while, I got worried."

I roll my eyes at him as I smile at Alice. "I was just making some friends."

Alice bows her head down. "Alpha, Luna, excuse me." she smiles at me and then walks away.

Alexander puts his arms around me and kisses me passionately.

"Do you mind?" I ask Rosalie when she doesn't leave.

She bows down but only because Alexander I watching her, and then she leaves.

"I want her out." I tell Alex.

He shakes his head. "No."

"Why?" I demand. "Are you into her or something?"

He cups my face in his hands and pecks my lips. "Of course, not, Leila. She is like a sister to me."

"You do know that that is not the way she thinks about you, right?"

"Let's not argue." he says but it sound more like a command.

Fortunately, his commands mean nothing to me. "Are you really going to choose her over me?"

"She is homeless, Leila, she needs my help."

"So pay her a hotel."

He looks down at me. "Give me two weeks."

I shake my head. "No, I want her out now."

He traces my lower lip with his index finger. "Two weeks? Please?" he asks softly.

Damn him.

I nod looking at his lips. He smiles and then kisses me.

What he doesn't know is that I am going to make her life miserable these two weeks that is if she makes it that long.

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