|Dating Barry|

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Dating Barry Allen would include:

-You and Iris always gossiping about him when you guys are together

-"What're you guys talking about?"

-"Oh, nothing..."

-Cisco shipping you guys hardcore

-Always making sure you're wearing something cheap when he flashes you somewhere

-"Why does it matter, Y/N?"

-"Maybe because you flashed me somewhere when I had my favorite top on and it caught on fire."

-Caitlin always being relieved when you come to Star Labs so she's not the only girl

-Having to stand on your tiptoes to kiss him because he is a freaking beanstalk

-Having the perfect headline with him so you can hear his heartbeat when you hug

-"Your heart is so fast."

-"Well, I would say it was because of the speed, but you're hugging me, so..."

-His smile absolutely melting your heart because oh God he's so cute

-Him never being able to say no when you ask him to sing for you

-You never understanding why he get so flustered about singing because his voice

-Cuddling, literally every chance you get

-No, seriously, you are pretty much always cuddling somehow

-Him trying to be cute with cheesy pickup lines

-"Your hands look heavy! Here, let me hold them for you."

-"You dork, I swear."

-You smiling like an idiot when he goes "full on nerd"

-You always singing to the car radio and he's in the front seat shimming his shoulders like an idiot

-"I'm your idiot."

-"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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