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(Duke's POV)

The day sucked, after I had to see my father's face. I felt irritated and angry. The meeting went somewhat okay and there wasn't any chaos between me and dad as he left immediately. He was going somewhere. He had to catch a flight. I didn't even bother to know where he was going. All that I was concerned about was in his absence I have to handle the company. That's what mattered to me.

The test went well though I didn't get to study much. My friends say that I have a God gifted brain. And maybe they were right to some extent I didn't have to study much all my life. In my school, all that I read I remember were story books. I was a book worm. Maybe it kept my mind occupied. I didn't have to think much. But everything changed in high school. I completely transformed from a decent  and obedient student to someone who loved partying day and night, and change girlfriend like clothes. I was also made the director of the company when I was in high school and started working for the company then.

It was almost 9:30 at night when I came back home from office. Coming home was nothing special though. I'd have been more happy to stay at my office than come back home. I went straight to take a shower after entering my room. Shower was the best part of the night for me. I could stay under the water for as long as I wanted. It calmed me like the dream of waterfall did in the morning. Morning. The girl. Her angelic face clouded behind my closed eye lids. She had perfect full lips, perfect big eyes and sharp nose, sculpted on her face. It seemed almost surreal for someone to be so precisely beautiful. Everything about her screamed perfect. First time morning for me was different I thought. I had no fear, no regret. I felt happy waking up. A smile crossed my lips surprising me. What the fuck? I thought. I shook my head vigorously as to through out all her ideas from my brain as water splattered in all directions and closed the shower without wasting anymore time.

It was almost ten by the time I was done with shower and thought of getting to bed, with not an ounce of sleep in my eyes, though I felt my body was tired. I had to wake up early in the morning to make a presentation, and get to my university. After sitting on my bed I looked for sleeping pills, but they were no where near my sight. I pulled the drawers of the side table but they weren't there too. I could literally feel anger boarding my head now. Who the hell touched my stuff?

"Douglas!!!" I shouted from the pit of my stomach. My voice echoed in the empty hollow massive house. Nothing gets me more angry and irritated than people messing with my things. Whoever did this would regret being born, I thought. Before I could shout again Douglas entered the room, who was the butler of this house.

"Who the hell took my medicines from here?" I asked in a low deadly voice trying hard to restrain myself from hurting him or doing something that I will regret later.

"I have no idea sir. The new maid cleaned your room maybe she.."

"Tell her to be here right now." I intruded before he completed what he was trying to say. How dare anyone mess with my things in my room.

I paced restlessly clutching my head tightly trying to control all the anger that was converting to fury. Douglas was calling her but there was no sign of her
picking up the phone.

"Give me her number." I grabbed my phone and started to press the numbers furiously that Douglas read. "Get out." I growled. Amina wasn't here. Her presence kept me calm. She was like a mother figure to me. The thought of mother just made my heart tonnes heavier. Now I needed alcohol to get the thought out of my head. I couldn't bare feeling weak. I hated myself at that time. 

I walked with long strides towards the indoor bar of the house. Douglas was there wiping one of the champagne glasses. Ignoring him I fetched a brand new bottle from there and gulped down a quarter of it in one go. It made me feel better enough to call on her number. I kept calling her and gulping the wine down my throat. Finally, with god's grace someone picked her phone. It wasn't her though. It was a man's voice. I found myself at loss of words. What was her name? I didn't even know her name. I looked at Douglas and pushed the phone towards him eyeing him to talk on the phone. Meanwhile, I got done with my first bottle for the night. My head throbbed hard. The hangover from last night didn't yet drop and here I had another bottle in.

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