Chapter 13 - It's Coming

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Chapter Thirteen

It's Coming

"Interesting fact though, apparently, according to Damian, that Terror we fought last night, he's not even one of the six that were released upon that Falling," Nicole informed them, as she fell into Matthew's lap.

After Naya's return, the Hunters had to go to the Division and she spent the day with Luke and Kayla, who ended up skipping school. It actually turned out to be a very relaxing day, both girls were exhausted and craved some rest, so they stayed inside and Kayla took some time to teach Naya some of the basics of human life: she taught her how to cook some basic meals, taught her what every single bottle in the bathroom was (turns out Naya had been washing her hair with Matt's body gel) and even tried to teach her some basic reading skills. Time flew by, as Naya, though tired, was relentlessly interested and excited with what she was learning.

The Hunters were home by the end of the afternoon and, after a pleasant meal that Naya gleefully helped Kayla prepare, they all went to their back garden to enjoy the warm and peaceful night and clear dark sky.

Nicole rested against Matt's chest, both sitting on the grass. Kayla sat on the stone steps, back against the wall, and beneath one of the outside lamps (the light had been returned before nightfall), reading a book and Naya, lying on the grass, enjoying how it tickled her bare skin, looked at the infinite sky, trying to count the stars – a task that she found impossible, but very soothing and relaxing. Luke rested on top of her belly, purring as she absentmindedly petted him.

"And that bugs you?" Matt asked, as he played with his girlfriend's hair.

"I just... I don't know, something isn't right."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you think it's weird? All these Terrors suddenly showing up... It's like something is calling them here."

"Probably their Vessels. They're probably here or have been around here."

"Yeah, but why?"

"I don't know, something about Aurora and other big cities seems to attract Vessels, it's always been like that, love."

"Not with the same frequency as it has been happening these last few months."

"Johnny contacted Division 9 and they haven't noticed any anomaly yet. You know Nasirah doesn't play around."

"I don't know, something doesn't feel right."

"I think you're paranoid and stressing about nothing," Matt told her, before kissing the back of her head.

"Something's going on..." Nicole insisted, speaking more to herself than her boyfriend, seemingly lost in thought. "I can feel it and I don't like it. Something weird is going on behind the scenes."

Matt sighed and closed his eyes, enjoying the warm breeze that played with his lover's hair. "Just try to relax, Nicole. Enjoy tonight."

"Something is going to happen," she whispered, relaxing against his chest.

"Or not. But we can totally just obsess endlessly about it if you want. Sounds like fun."

"The worst is yet to come."

"Shhhhh," Matt said and playfully covered her mouth with his hand. She laughed and struggled and they wrestled each other on the ground.

Naya looked at them and smiled. She was surprised to see that Nicole was actually winning, in spite of Matt being significantly bigger and stronger.

She turned her head to the opposite side, a much quieter, intimate one. Beneath the other lamp, also sitting on the grass, were Adam and Tatiana. She sat behind him, caring for and bandaging the back of his bare right shoulder. They were speaking low to each other and seemed to be immersed in their own private world.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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