Chapter 8 - The Price of a Dream

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Chapter Eight

The Price of a Dream

She was flying.

The wind felt wonderful against her cheeks, her long hair gracefully dancing to its gentle tune. In front of her there was beautiful, soothing infinity, beneath her the world was in flames. Fire consumed everything, chaos and destruction controlled the world. Everything was broken, everything was death and darkness. Up there, above her, everything was silence and peace, cold. Down beneath her, screams of pain and agony consumed the entire environment.

And there she was, stuck in the middle, forever attracted to both worlds, pushed and pulled, feeling stretched and thin, like a rubber band about to snap. She had to choose. It shouldn't be a tough decision, that's what her mind told her, and yet her heart pulled her down, like a heavy anchor, giving in to gravity.

She saw his hand, offering her comfort, protection and love. Oh, how she wanted to hold her Father's hand, how she wanted him to hold her close, to be safe in his warm embrace. But just as she was about to grab his open hand, she regretted it and refused the offer. She recoiled from him and everything he represented and tried to fly away.

Something chased her, trying to capture her, trying to bring her back home, to where she truly belonged – her cage. She escaped as fast as she could, desperate, in panic, but always feeling like she couldn't really move.

It would catch her soon. It would drag her back to the cold, empty cage.

Fear consumed her and she lost the ability to fly.

She was falling. Her Father was gone.

She already missed him.

Falling at high speed into the flaming inferno, she knew she would hit the ground soon. Her heart raced as the proximity to inevitable pain grew more certain. But when she finally stopped falling, she hadn't hit the ground and there was no pain. Instead, she landed in his soft, yet strong, warm arms. And she felt safe beneath those attractive and brave green eyes, comforted by his confident smile.

Suddenly, everything changed. His smile turned into a frown, his eyes looked at her with plain, raw disgust, hate and anger.

He knew.

He knew what she was. He knew she was guilty, an abomination.

She cried, that expression hurting her more than any rough landing could. She tried to explain, to apologize, but she couldn't speak. She couldn't move, she couldn't react. All she could do was suffer.

And that was really all she deserved.

He let go, dropped her into the chaotic hell beneath her and she braced herself for the impending, cruel punishment that would hit her in a second.

Before she could feel any pain, her eyes shot open.

Naya sat on her bed, her breathing fast and shallow, her heart racing uncontrollably.

"It was a dream," she whispered. "A dream. I dreamed!"

It was dark still, the whole house still slept, everything was quiet. Luke rested peacefully at her feet.

Naya slowly fell back into her pillow, a sense of deep relief flooding her. She contemplated the ceiling, gently kissed by the moonlight, coming to terms with the images and emotions that her own mind had just put her through.

It was a bittersweet moment. Her first dream. She had just experienced her first dream! That was magical.

Why did it have to be such an upsetting one, though?

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