Bradley Isaac the Great

Start from the beginning

Screaming, I jolted awake. Clutching the bed covers, I leaned against the wall, steadying my heart rate. My breathing was heavy and panting, sweat dripping from my forehead.

"Why now?" I murmured, looking at my phone, 3:32am. Sighing, I got out of bed, tiptoeing out the bedroom door and down to the kitchen. I fished through the fridge before grabbing a water bottle. I slid down the cupboard, sitting on the floor with my head in my hands, arms leaning on my knees. Why do nightmares have to happen when happy times come in my life?


Flinching, I look up to see Mason staring at me, worriedly.

"Uh, hey..." I say, quickly standing up.

"What's wrong?"

I feel guilty. I hate myself. I want to die. I let my sister die. I didn't do enough. Everything.

"Nothing." I lied through my teeth.

"You sure?"

"Yes" I snap, before realising what I did, "Sorry, Alpha. Yes, I'm fine." Quickly, I sprint up into my room, hopeful that no more dreams occur.


"Hey, Lace" I greeted, welcoming her into the Alpha's home. It was Ellis and Yhana's birthday, the sun was brightly shining in the sky, almost blinding you. I'm just glad this house wasn't white.

"So, ready for Yhana and Ellis' pool party?" she asked as we walked up to my room.

"Yep." I say, twisting the bracelets on my arm.

"And what swim suit are you wearing?"

"My usual one"

"Hell no!" Lacey yelled, making me jump in surprise. "You are not wearing that!" My best friend dug through her back, bringing out a black bikini with a light blue lightning bolt on the bra. My eyes widened, shaking my head. Lacey frowned.

"I am NOT wearing that!" I shouted slightly, growling. My normal swimwear was a grey belly covering one, but obviously that's not going to happen.

"To fudgenuggets you aren't. Get in the damn bathroom and put it on!" Lacey snapped. Hurriedly, I grabbed the bikini- you never want to make Lacey angry, she could win against an army!

I slipped off my clothes, pulling up the bra and bikini pants; thankfully my butt was covered. I stared at myself in the wall length mirror. My abs was on show, and it made me feel naked.

'I can't wear this!' I spoke to my wolf. I had always been nervous about others seeing my body, especially since there were going to be around four other males around me, excluding my brother.

'Yes you can, chill out!' Raven barked.

'No but-'

'No fucking but's! Get out there!'

Sighing, I walked out the bathroom and dropped my clothes into the wash bag before turning to face Lacey who had a sly smirk on her face.

"So my best friend can be a girl!"

"Only because I didn't want you tearing this house down!" I grinned.

Lacey had a plain red bikini on with a see through skirt that went down to her knees.

"Okay, the guys are waiting for us, let's go!" Lacey cheered. My nerves got to me again, and if it wasn't for Raven nagging, I would've ran back into my room and slammed the door shut. We reached the back door, were already there was laughing and splashing. Okay, you can do this.

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