You Meet On The Show

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Joe: You were standing in line at the grocery store and the man that was checking you out had a nervous expression on his face. He opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak, closing his mouth again.

He opened his mouth to speak again and this time, words actually came out.

"I'm gonna have to scan these." he said gesturing to your boobs.

"Look, I'm not in the mood for bullshit today and I'm not letting you scan my boobs, just check out my damn groceries and let me leave." you replied.

He finished checking out your groceries and you walked out of the grocery store.

As you were walking out of the grocery store, a man ran up to you with a clipboard and stopped you.

"Ma'am, I can explain why that man at the cash register was so rude to you." he said, out of breath from trying to run you down.

"This better be a good one." you replied, turning around to face him and crossing your arms.

"Look, that was for a hidden camera show. We kind of mess with the general public and you were on camera. Just please sign this so we can use your reaction on the show." he said as he held up the clipboard that was in his hand.

"Fine, I'll sign, but I want an apology first." you said.

The man you were talking to sent a text to someone and then the guy that checked you out came running towards you.

"Look, I'm so sorry about what happened. My name is Joe and I had my friends using this to tell me what to do and say." Joe said pulling an earpiece out of his ear.

"I'm sorry about reacting like that and if you want, you can use my reaction." you said, grabbing the pen from the man with the clipboard and signing the sheet of paper he had.

"Also, would you let me make it up to you over dinner?" Joe asked.

"Fine by me." you replied.

Murr: You were at the park when a guy came up to you and asked you if you'd jump on board with his protest.

"What's your protest for?" he asked.

He looked at one of the signs in his hand.

"It's to execute all women." he replied, trying to hand you his sign.

You backed away from him with your hands in the air and started to walk off.

As you were walking off, you were tapped on the shoulder.

You turned around and it was the guy that wanted you to protest with him.

He no longer had the signs with him.

"Hey, my name is Murr and I don't know if I offended you or anything, but I'm sorry for what happened back there. All of that was fake and it was for a hidden camera show. Anyway, my friends over there were the ones that wrote that sign." he said, motioning to three men standing off in the distance.

"Okay, and why do you need me for." you asked.

"Well, we caught you on video and we were wondering if we could put your reaction on television. All you have to do is sign a sheet of paper." he replied.

"Alright. I'll do it." you said.

"Great, follow me." he said, leading you to where his friends stood and grabbing a sheet of paper off of the table.

You signed the sheet of paper and he gave you his phone number with a side note saying that he'd make it up to you I you called him.

Sal: You were at the mall when you were approached by a man.

He looked at you and immediately started crying into your shoulder.

"What's wrong?" you asked, immediately wrapping your arms around him, not knowing what else to do.

"I. Lost. My. Wife." he sobbed.

"Well, it's okay, we can look for her." you said.

Why would a grown man be crying over losing sight of his wife at the mall? Doesn't he have a cell phone? Can't he just call her?

You and the crying man you just met started to walk around and look for his wife.

"So, what's your wife's name?" you asked him as you walked alongside him.

"Brianna." he said as he wiped tears out of his eyes.

"Brianna!" you called out.

"Look. There she is." he gestured towards a lady with short brown hair that was wearing a dress with her back turned towards you.

She turned around and you were surprised to find out that she was actually a he.

It was a grown man with hair that came down to his shoulders an a short beard.

The man that had cried into your arms was now laughing his head off and the guy in the dress was blushing.

"Really? Is this some kind of a sick joke?" you asked, pushing the guy that was crying about his wife out of the way and walking past him.

As you were storming off, the man that was crying earlier stopped you.

"Wait wait wait! Before you go just let me explain myself." he said.

"This had better be a good one." you replied with your arms crossed.

"Okay, my name is Sal and me and my friends are on this hidden camera prank show and we like to mess with te general public and break social norms. The guy in the dress was my buddy, Brian. Anyway, that was part of the prank show and you were on it. I just need you to sign this sheet of paper saying that we can use your reaction for the show." he said, holding out a piece of paper and a pen.

"Really? A prank show?" you said.

"Yes. I will make it up to you in the near future, just sign this sheet of paper." he said.

"Okay, I'll do it." you said takin the pen and signing the paper.

"Thank you and love to take you out to an I'm sorry dinner later this week if you will give me the chance." he said.

"Okay hand me the pen and the paper." you said.

He handed you the pen and paper and then you wrote down your number.

"Call me sometime." you said, giving the paper back to him as he smirked.

Q: You were shopping at the grocery store when a man that worked there walked up to you.

"Finding everything alright, miss?" he asked.

You nodded your head.

"Alright, well we are having a sale on chicken breasts today." he replied.

"Okay." you said.

"You know why they cut the nipples off of the chicken breasts before they put them in the package and freeze them, right?" he asked.

"No, why?" you asked.

"Because if their nipples got too cold, then they'd poke a hole through the package." he said, obviously trying to hold in a laugh.

"Real mature." you huffed as you stormed off and into the next aisle.

The man that you were talking to earlier followed you and he now has a sheet of paper in his hand.

"Hey, my name was Brian and I'm sorry about what I said back there. My friends and I are part of this hidden camera prank show where we use earpieces to tell each other what to do and say and you were a part of it. We want to get your reaction on television, but we can't do that unless you sign this form." he said.

"Are you serious?" you asked.

"As a heart attack." he replied.

"Look, I'm not so sure about this." you said.

"Come on, please? I'll even take you out on a date to apologize to you." he replied.

"Okay, fine." you replied, signing your name and leaving your number next to your signature.

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