His Parents Don't Like You

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Joe: You guys were driving back home from his parents house. It was clear that his parents don't like you and they didn't want you anywhere near Joe. It broke your heart and almost made you want to cry.

"Was it that obvious?" you ask, turning down the car radio.

"Was what that obvious?" Joe asked, looking over at you in confusion.

"That your parents don't like me." you said trying to keep the tears out of your eyes, but ultimately failing, causing Joe to pull over on the side of the road.

"Look, my parents don't like any girl I bring home to them at first, but if you give it some time and they see how strong my feelings for you are, they will warm up to you, I promise." Joe said kissing your cheek.

"Thanks Joe, that's exactly what I needed to hear." you said giving him a small smile.

Murr: "I can't believe they didn't like you, they usually love every girl I bring home." Murr said walking into the house you two shared.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know if they'd like me or not, but you introduced me to them and made an effort. That's all you could have done." you said.

"Thank you, I hope they start liking you soon and maybe they will when they see how much I love you." he said giving you a hug.

Sal: You guys had just gotten home from his parents house and you went straight to laying on the couch and crying. You were in shock that his parents didn't like you. You prepared yourself for a week for meeting his parents and somehow you still blew it.

"Why do I mess everything up?" you asked.

"You don't mess everything up, in fact, you are perfect and if my parents are too blind to see how amazing you are, then that's their fault, not yours." he said holding your hand.

Q: "You know what? I'm so sick of my parents expecting me trying to bring home the perfect girl for them." Q said on the drive home from his parents house.

"Why? You know I'm not perfect." you said.

"That's the biggest lie that I've ever heard. You may not be perfect to my parents, but you are perfect to me. That's all that matters now. Just me and you, nobody else." he said grabbing your hand.

"You have no idea how much that speech meant to me." you said.

A/N: This was requested by cynthia_guevarra8 and please remember that if you want to request something that all you have to do is comment down below. Thank you for reading!

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