First Kiss Together

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Joe: You and Joe were walking through the park and he was holding your hand. You guys stop by a donut shop and get donuts then walk back through the park to get home. Joe noticed that you had icing on top of your lip. He stopped you and chuckled.

"What's so funny?" you asked sticking out your bottom lip a little making a pouting face.

"You have icing on your lip, let me get it." Joe said kissing you.

"Thanks." you said blushing.

Murr: You and Murr were at home watching The Conjuring. You said you weren't afraid of scary movies, but you lied so you had an excuse to be close to him. By the end of the movie, you were crying your eyes out and shaking like a chihuahua.

"Babe, I told you it was a scary movie." he said.

You buried your face into his chest and he lifted your chin up with two of his fingers so you were looking up at him.

"Trust me, if there is an evil spirit here, it's gonna have to go through me before it can get to you." he said kissing you.

Sal: You and him had planned a day at the beach together. You guys started playing frisbee when Sal said he wanted to see you play beach volleyball in a bikini. You agreed, as long as he played beach volleyball without a shirt on. You started playing and he spiked the volleyball and it hit your ankle. You heard a crack as you fell. He helped you up and carried you bridal style to the car. He drove you to the hospital and you were laying in a hospital bed.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"I know." you said.

He gave you a kiss.

"What was that for?" you asked.

"For being so strong." he said.

Q: You guys were laying in bed, when in the middle of the night you started having pain on the right side of your stomach. He carried you to his car, still in his pajamas and drove you to the hospital. He carried you inside and sat you in a wheelchair. He filled out all of your information and you had to be put into a room. They did an ultrasound and found that you had appendicitis. When it was time for you to have surgery, he held your hand all the way up to the operating room doors. He gave you a kiss and you went into surgery.

Credit to: Molbash_Cannonball

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