How You Met

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Joe: You were standing outside in the cold of November, waiting to cross the street. You had forgotten your coat. A man walks up next to you as you shiver.

"Here, take my coat." he said.

"Won't you need it?" you asked.

"My mother taught me how to be a gentleman." he said.

"Thanks, but how am I going to return it to you?" you asked.

He got out a pen and a notepad and wrote down his number.

"My name is Joe, call me anytime you want." he said winking at you.

Murr: You were on your way to your favorite coffee shop and you were about to walk in when the door slammed into your head. You almost fell but you were caught by a man with brown eyes and a bow tie on.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, thanks for catching me. Now what is your name because I want to thank you." you said.

"Murr." he replied.

"Well thank you for catching me before I fell to the ground Murr." you said.

You wrote down your number and gave it to him.

"I'll call you." he said.

Sal: You had just broken up with your ex and you decided to go to a bar in town. You walked into the bar and the bartender was kinda cute, which made you upset because you knew that someone like him wouldn't love you. You downed quite a few drinks and the bartender took your keys and decided to take you home with him. You got into his car and drove off.

"You're kinda cute." you slurred.

He chuckled as he parked his car in his garage and laid you down on the couch.

You fell asleep and he watched you.

Q: You were shopping for groceries when you were approached my a big man with long hair.

"Excuse me, miss." he said.

"Yeah." you said.

"Really? I have to say that?" he whispered as you gave him a confused look.

"Okay fine I'll say it. Have you ever licked a llamas lovely lady lump?" he asked.

"What the hell is that?" you asked.

He paused for a moment.

"Llama nipples." he said.

"No." you said.

"Wait, I can't do this, alright this is gonna sound crazy, but just trust me. I'm part of a hidden camera show and my friends made me say that. My name is Q." he said reaching out his hand as you shook it.

Credit to: iloveturtles13

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