Pregnant... With twins

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Joe: As soon as you had gotten home from the doctor, you started running around the house, wondering how you were gonna tell Joe that you guys were not only expecting one baby, but two babies. You decided you would surprise him with dinner, some balloons and some flowers. Joe walked in the door and saw you sitting there with dinner, the flowers, and the balloons in the ceter of the table.

"What's all this?" he asked.

"I have big news." you said.

"Bigger than when you told me you were having a baby?" he asked.

"Try twice as big." you said.

It took him a minute to understand what you were talking about, but his eyes got wide and you realized he figured it out.

"Twins?" he asked.

You nodded your head and he immediately kissed your stomach. He was the happiest man in the world.

Murr: You were so excited to tell Murr the good news. you guys had been trying for a kid for years since you got married and now you guys are expecting two of them. You cried tears of joy at the doctor, knowing that you guys had tried and failed for so long and now you guys were about to have two kids. You immediately went shopping for baby stuff and set everything up all nice on the kitchen able. When Murr came home, he noticed all the baby stuff on the counter and immediately went to the bedroom to ask you about it.

"Hey, what's up with all the baby stuff on the table in there?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm pregnant." you said.

"This is great, I have to tell somebody, I'm gonna be a dad!" he said running out of the room.

"Wait!" you called before he could do anything.

"What?" he asked.

"I'm pregnant with twins." you said smiling.

He immediately ran into you, giving you a hug, along with the biggest smile on his face.

Sal: Oh no. Oh no no no. This couldn't be happening you thought as you left the doctor. Sal just about had a heart attack when he found out you guys were having one baby, but how is he going to react when he finds out that you guys are going to be having two of them. You picked up the phone and called Sal, with tears in your eyes. You weren't ready for this, but it had to be done.

"Hello?" he answered as you sniffled, which he must've heard through the phone.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"We're having twins." you managed to get out before breaking down crying.

"Hey, listen to me, we got this. We are a team and I'm not leaving you no matter what." he said.

Q: You and Q were excited to be having a baby, but when you found out that you were having two of them, your stomach started doing backflips. You were nervous about telling Q, you weren't sure how he'd react to all of this, but you went ahead and told him the minute that he got home. At first he stared at you with wide eyes and it took him a while to process the information that he was just given, but then he finally spoke.

"This is great!" he said smiling ear to ear.

"Really?" you asked.

"Yeah. I mean it's a surprise, but I'm excited for this new chapter in my life." he said.

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