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The dance. I'm wanting Thomas to ask me but I want to say... I really hope Kayden does. "Y/n," Thomas called. I glanced over at Kayden, he looked really mad. I turned to Thomas and waited. "I was wondering if you're willing to come to the dance with me?" He smiled cheekily. Every night Thomas would tell me how much he loved me, it always helped me sleep; knowing that someone actually cares for me.

I opened my mouth, "yeah, I can't wait."

When I was about to walk away I felt him tug on my arm. "Remember that I love you, a lot."

I smiled.

"Are you sure?" I teased.

"Yes! I will prove it on Saturday night."


"Yes, I promise."

He wrapped me into a hug and held me tightly. I felt someone still staring at me, it wasn't Kayden this time; he had blonde hair, and was around 5'11. He looked sick, like he needed help. "Thomas," I whispered in his ear.


"There's someone watching us,"


"Over there,"

He lift his head from out of our hug and looked over at the wall where that man was suppose to be. "That guy that's walking away?"

He looked dangerous, and I didn't want me or Thomas getting involved. I shook my head, "no.someone else."

"Baby, I'll see you later. Okay?"  He assured me while getting my hair out of my face.

"Okay," I affirmed him, he kissed my cheek, and I glared at him.

"A real kiss will happen Saturday night," he tried hiding his smile and rubbed my arms making me warm. I laughed at his silliness. He walked away to his class and I turned around opening my my locker, a note fell out. I read it from the floor, do not go to the dance with him. I will- and I promise u I will kill him. You have until tonight to tell him u can't go.

I was confused, everyone liked Thomas. His good looks, kind personality, flawless teeth. He's basically friends with every guy in this school. "Hey," I heard an overwhelming voice beside me.

I looked, it was Kayden. 

"H-H-hey..." I gulped, I thought I felt my legs give. His arm rested against a locker beside me, he looked down at me. Sure I was pretty short compared to him but I loved that angle of his face.


"No, of course not," I smiled and he chuckled.

"I was hopefully wondering if you'd wanna come with me to the dance, as my date. I got no other girl to go with, you were the only one that really got my attention." He smirked at me. It was like he knew I would go with him.

"Actually I-" I remembered that note, it was stuck to me. I was threatened if I went to the dance with Thomas, he'd be killed. What am I suppose to tell Thomas? He wouldn't believe me, he'd think I'm blowing him off. I sighed, I know I should go with my gut.

He raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer, he was very calm about it too. "Well y/n?" He sounded pleased, still smiling.

I nodded, "yeah... I think we should go together," I slowly answered, obviously I wasn't happy saying it. But it's for Thomas. And also it's KAYDEN talking to me.

"Wow, that's great." He said.

"Why great?" I giggled and he bit his lip making him almost look like he was being seductive.

"I wouldn't think a pretty girl like you would say yes,"

I blushed down at the ground, he raised my chin up. "The top of your head is interesting, but I rather see your face," he rubbed his thumb on my cheek. I couldn't bare to stop smiling he was too sweet. "I'll see you Saturday night," he walked away. I could still sense him smiling, not a good smile. But I loved the way he smelled, he picked out a good cologne. I shut my locker and headed to class.

I don't even wanna think how I'm suppose to let Thomas down. He will hate me .

*night time*

I laid on my bed, re-reading the note over and over. I decided to text him.

I really want to go to the dance with you, trust me I really do. But I can't go with you, i remembered Kayden already asking me to go with him. I completely forgot, but please meet me after the dance. That spot just almost behind the school. I love you .

Momentarily he texted back.

What? Kayden, he's no good. He'll try something on you, I just know it. I don't want u going to the dance with him bb. I love u too much 4 u to get hurt badly. I understand u won't listen to me but I WILL be watching out for u, and sure we'll meet up there. I want to give u somethings special :). Gn

I smiled and laid my phone on my bed. I ended up getting another text.

Unknown #; you're easier than I thought. Keep listening to me and nobody will get hurt.

I couldn't text back, it wouldn't let me. I want to know who this is right now. Dammit why's this happening. I closed my eyes imagining what it'd be like if I were to go to the dance with Thomas, but even though I was thinking about Thomas I still had a long  dream about Kayden.

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