Gizzy Lyfe Show

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Serena's P.O.V

So today was the gizzy lyfe show and I'm so sad that Kevin is far away from me but its for the better. I got up and went to the bathroom and did my morning hygiene. I went downstairs and I sighed cause my mom comes tomorrow and their was no food in here so I decided to go to the cafe that was near where I live. I sighed and went back upstairs to change into my shorts with my black crop top with my flannel shirt and my black shoes.

I decided to put my hair up in a messy bun

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I decided to put my hair up in a messy bun. I walked out my house while locking it. When I got to the cafe I asked for a small cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin. I sat down and started eating my muffin.

Hey cutie I looked up and saw this gorgeous boy with blue orbs. But I think that kevin is way better looking then him.

Hi I said while looking at him with a blank stare he looked at me while smiling.

I laughed. Is their something or someone that is causing you to smile I said while looking into his blue eyes.

Yes , yes their is actually something that making me smile. I looked at him ugh I'm not ready to date I love Kevin.
and what is causing you to smile I said. I closed my eyes and waited for him to say that it was me. Their was silence and I realized that my muffin was gone I looked at him and realized it that he just ate my favorite muffin.

I looked at him with a angry expression.

What ? He said while holding in his laughter.

First you ate my muffin second of all why ? I said while looking at him blankly.

Well he said while pausing to swallow the damn muffin he just ate. "Well because that muffin was making me smile that's my favorite muffin and plus I was hungry so I couldn't help it"

So, you cant just pay for another blue berry muffin? I asked.

Nope they don't have no more when I asked .

Oh. Was all I said I got 1 text message and it was from my mom.

Mom❤💘- hey honey just letting you know that I miss you !

To: Mom❤💘- miss you to can't wait until your back so I can update you on everything that has happened.

Excuse me ? I looked up and looked at this annoying boy.

What ? I asked blankly again.

Who are you texting ? Why does he want to know first he could he a kidnapper or a rapist I don't even know plus he looks so educated and young to do that but you never know.

Why ? I asked

Just wondering if you have a boyfriend I looked at him and smiled.

Matter a fact I don't but I'm not going out with you for gods sake I don't even know you, you come in here and eat my muffin without even asking.

Okay fine he got up and dust his shirt off.

Sorry for not telling you my name , my name is Ethan I shook his hand.

My name is serena I said

Nice name he said while smirking ugh this guy is to cocky.

Bye Ethan I said while waving to him he walked out the cafe I noticed that their was a piece of paper that had his number I sighed .

I grabbed the paper and put it in the back of my pocket I got up and started heading home.


Kevin's P.O.V
Today was the gizzy lyfe show I really miss serena I sighed . I felt this hand on my back I looked and realized that it was devin .
"Don't worry man after the show I'll talk to her and see if you guys will work it out".

Thanks I said while getting ready for soundcheck .
The place was getting packed I had to take my mind off of serena so this show could be gizzy. Their was so many smoochie bae's with a TBD shirt I smiled while looking at all of them.
------(skips show)-------

It was time for meet and greets momma Shanna was giving out posters to everyone that had the gizzy lyfe experience ticket.

3 little girls came up to us they were so adorable .

Hey cuties I said while hugging them.

The 2 other girls went to devin and Daniel and one went up to me.

Kevin she said while looking up at me.
Yes I said while bending down to be to her level .

I hope you and serena get back together you guys are so cute together.

Thanks we will. I said wondering if what I said what really true.

We took pictures and more people came up to us.

------(skips meet and greets)-----

It was gizzy the gizzy lyfe experience was so lit me and d gord and Daniel got to hang out with so many smoochie baes. We were on are way back to new york cause we have another show to do in 6 days and I was excited.

I went on my phone and went on instagram I started replying to dm's and started to like digas post since it was smoochie Sunday one picture caught my eye it was Serena she had her hair curled up with a crop top and shorts she's so beautiful I liked the picture and commented 😻😌. Since it was 5:13 we will be in new York around 8 I closed my eyes and put my ear buds in.

Kevin wake up do you want subway or McDonalds ? I opened my eyes and realized it was Lexi.

I want subway I said and I told her what I wanted, I took my ear buds out and checked the time and it was only 7:02 . I yawned Lexi and daniel came back in the car and gave me and devin our subways along with momma Shanna food. We started eating.

Kevin so how's stuff between you and Serena ? I looked at momma Shanna

Its good we need to talk things through so we can figure out stuff between us I said while drinking my cola.

Oh that's good I hope things go well she said while smiling.

I hope so I said I got out the car and and I threw my garbage out along with the others.

I got back in the car and we started heading back home.

Authors Note: I know this chapter seemed a little bit boring but in the middle of the book is going to be crsxy !!!!!!!

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