Hate On Social Media

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Kevin's P.O.V
I decided to post the picture of Serena Making the silly face while I'm looking at her smiling. My caption was @gizzyserena get better ❤😍. And I went to the bomb digz ig and posted the picture with all of us with Serena.
My notifications were blowing up 346 comments. I didn't have time to read the comments. Today was the day that Serena leaves the hospital . I decided to go alone to the hospital I want to spend time alone with Serena. I texted the boys where ima be at and they said to come over at 7 to do a you now. On my way to the hospital I was thinking since Serena is going to be home alone probably I could bring her over during the younow while momma Shana cooks. I went into the hospital and started heading to her room. I'm nervous again I stuffed my hands into my pockets. I opened the door and their she was putting on her sweater while the doctor was talking her. I walked in and they both looked at me she smiled and the doctor gave me a small smile and walked out. She gave me a hug and I hugged back. Hey beautiful where you going? I said wondering where she was going to go. I'm going to see my mother across the hall then I'm going home. Oh okay can I come ? Sure she grabbed my hand and she was walking in front of me she looked back and smiled. We walked into the room. Their was this lady on the bed looking like she was in a lot of pain. She had wires on her arm and a iv on her arm also. She looked our way and she smiled. Hey honey I miss you so much are you okay? Are you in pain ?
No mom I'm okay perfectly fine. I should be asking you that question how are you feeling ? Serena said
I'm in a lot of pain .. She paused and sighed and looked at serena with a concerned face don't worry about me I should be worrying about you. What do you mean mom? Honey who are you going to stay with when I'm not home? She will stay with me I said looking at both of them. Who's is that Serena ? Oh I'm sorry I didn't greet you I'm Kevin Alston I'm in the group called the bomb digz . hi young man are you dating my daughter. No I chuckled not yet I said while blushing and looking down I looked at serena she smiled and she said bye to her mom. We started walking to Devin's house in time for the younow.

Kev remember in the hospital when you said that I'm not your girlfriend yet. What do you mean by that ?

Uh I mean that I like you Serena I don't know you personally but I'll like to get know you but i don't want to rush things I said. I looked at her brown eyes and she blushed .
Okay kev serena said.
I knocked on Devin's door and Lexi opened it and she smiled at both of us. Hey Kevin And Who's This Pretty Girl ? She asked.

Oh sorry this is Serena she's a diga. Lexi looked at Serena and she greeted her and gave her a huge hug. We went inside and we said hi to momma Shana and we started to head upstairs.
Hey Devin Wassup Daniel I said they looked my way and their attention turned to Serena.
Hey Serena wassup kevin they both said. Serena looked uncomfortable when she looked at her instagram she looked at me with watery eyes. I took her into the hallway. I grabbed her chin so she can look at me.
Serena what's Wrong ? I asked
Kev I uh kevin I'm ugly aren't I ? Why do you like me ? Huh I don't get it you probably feel sorry for me that I got into a bad car accident and that you will fake like me so that you can make me happy. Is that it kevin. I looked at her confused .
Hey, hey I said while grabbing her cheeks. Why are thinking like this ? I like you for you. Ever since I layed my eye's on you i told myself that your the most beautiful girl okay. I will make you happy cause I want you happy. Where is this coming from ? I asked angry.
She looked at me and she hugged me while her head was in my chest. My shirt was getting wet.
Serena I asked you a question where is this coming from?

Kev she paused and looked up at me its hateful comments on my instagram she sighed.
Ever since you posted that picture of me and added heart eyes and a heart people started hating on me I can't take this no more kev while more tears were spilling down her cheeks. I wiped her tears away.
Babe stop crying ignore them please at least for me cause your the most strongest beautiful girl I ever known. They only want what you have baby. I said while hugging her she was still crying . I wiped more tears away and kissed her for head . we went inside to do younow.

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