"sorry anyways Abigail its so nice to finally meet you!" Louis said hugging me once more,this time less painful.

"What do you guys want to do? It 3PM and we're bored" Zayn said looking at his watch

"watch a movie?" Harry suggested.

"Yeah seems fine...Which movie would you like Abi?" Liam asked me.

"ermm Batman ? I watched the latest one a few weeks back and i lvoed it!" I said

"YESS!" Liam said high fiving me.

Harry looked for the movie as Louis got some blankets and pillows,Liam got seating arrangements sorted and Niall and I went to the kitchen to get popcorn. I followed Niall into the kitchen and went straight to the microwave as Niall got the popcorn. I put the popcorn in and heated it up. Niall got some bowls which he handed to me.

"So,i kind of over heard what happened with your boyfriend when you were telling Harry?" Niall said.

i just nodded. "i really am sorry! if i were him i would never be so stupid to let a girl as wonderful as you go!" Niall said. i noticed we were really close and i was getting really nervous. I just stared into his eyes which  loved. " i really missed you Niall" i said softly. Niall just stared into my eyes.

"Oh sorry shit!" we were interuppted by Zayn who stood in the door way,slowly backing out.

as soon as he was out he screamed "NIALL AND ABI WERE STARING AT EACH OTHER AND WERE ABOUT TO KISS" we both laughed as we ran out trying to stop him. but that feeling inside bugged me...was Niall about to kiss me? did it look like that? (A/N btw this isn't the incident that i spoke of in my first a/n that still has to come)

as soon as we got to the living room we were encountered with a lot of questions.

"did you guys really want to kiss?" Louis asked

"what happened?" harry asked

"GUYS! leave them alone! let them explain! not that we have a problem with it" Liam said turning to us.

"we were just talking relax! we're best friends! cant best friends talk?" I said.

"ok then....." zayn said innocently.

"i'll get you for this Malik" Niall said.

Harry put in the movie and we sat down. Harry and Louis sat across the floor,Zayn sat across the couch and Liam sat in the single seat which left the lovers couch for me and Niall. okaay...they did this on purpose ! i know it! I didn't mind and neither did Niall we always sat together.

We sat down and we began watching the movie. By the end of the movie Niall's head was on my lap and i was messing with his hair. we always did this and i loved it.

Liam turned the lights on again and we all got up and stretched. and that's when it started.

" HUNGERRRRRRRRRRR! IM HUNGRYYYYYY!" yes! Niall was hungry! i knew too well that if he doesn't get food now he will not stop nagging!

"Ok Niall,what do you want ?" I sighed walking towards the kitchen.

All the other boys walked up into their rooms saying they'll be back for when the food is ready! Lazy asses.

"YES! THANKK YOU!! Brownies will be nice please" Niall said in a very cute voice which i couldn't help but smile at.

we both walked into the kitchen. I some how knew where everything is,Niall just sat on the counter top watching me. I began mixing and the batter and it was getting really hard to mix and my arm was getting really tired. Did i mention i was slightly lazy ?

The next thing i knew Niall was standing behind me grabbing the spoon and mixing it. " might as well help you!" Niall said. I turned around to get the baking tray,what i didnt realise was that Niall was literally a few inches away and he was REALLY close. i looked up at him and he just  looked down at me and he began leaning his head down towards mine. My heart begin beating faster and faster as he got closer. When he was almost touching my forehead he brought his hand to my face.

"you have a bit of chocolate on your cheek" he said and he kissed my cheek where the chocolate was. i just looked down and blushed. he gave me way to pass through so i just walked and walked and walked. When i realized i looked up and i was in front of a door so i simply knocked on it. Zayn's head came out and he smiled.

"ermm Zayn i dont know why i came up here but i need someone to talk to and well here i am please!" I asked

He nodded and moved out the way so i can come into his room. His room was fairly neat yet untidy. It was red and black and it was huge. it smelled really good too! Vanilla!

"so whats up? I thought you were making food for Niall and hopefully for us too?" Zayn said sitting on his bed next to me.

" yes i was and well...." I began and explained to him what happened. "..... and well i don't know but i always have liked Niall and well more than just a friend and he just kissed me even if it was just me cheek and i don't know what to do and i just left him down there. I want to go hug him and tell him how much i love him and........"

i was cut off by Zayn " ABIGAIL! Shhhh! Breathe! Relax! Now i want you to go down there like nothing happened and just say that you needed the bathroom okay? Niall would be hurt that you just left him there and if he did do that and from the way Niall speaks about you it seems he feels the same. Now go down there and make food and be yourself with Niall. okay?"

That made me feel better ! Zayn has always seemed like the one to make you feel better.

"thanks Zayn! " I said and hugged him.

i walked out his room and down stairs. Breathe!



i hope you enjoyed that?

i surely enjoyed writing that!!

what do you think of the moment Abi and Niall shared!

and what about Abi telling Zayn how she felt about Niall?

does Niall like Abi?

does Harry like Abi?

More exciting moments to happen in the next chapter!!!!

Love you guys!

Thanks for reading!

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xx :)

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