chapter 4: are you crazy?

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I woke up in the arms of a man I use to call friend , now I just think this man is crazy and, if he took my virginity I'm gonna whoop his ass.

jumping up out of the bed I walked over to him and began slapping him in his perfect face ," JOSEPH WAKE THE HELL UP WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE " he jumped up, looking around in a panic and when his eyes landed on me he calmed down and smiled ,
reaching for me I stepped back , he stood up, still smiling I backed up until I felt what I assumed was the bathroom door , grabbing the handle behind my back I hurriedly opened the door and closed it,

he began banging on the door as I was trying to lock it , his whole good guy facade coming to an end I finally got It locked and sighed , leaning against the wall I began asking him questions " Joseph what the fuck happened last night?" W...why am I in your house in your shirt? Did you take my virginity huh? Huh? You monster!

he stayed silent up until I said monster ,all I heard was glass breaking and furniture being turned over , finally he yelled back "YOU WANNA SEE A MONSTER? ILL SHOW YOU A MONSTER " in my mind I'm wondering like how you gonna show me , when I'm in here and your out there I don't have a---

my words were cut short as I heard the lock turning and the door busting open revealing a very angry Joseph , he was fuming and even though he looked so sexy being that he was angry , I just don't give a damn right now I need to get out of here.

looking around him trying to find an escape I didn't notice him closing and locking the door , as he began to speak my head snapped in his direction after hearing his words " I didn't take your virginity but since my future wife thinks I'm a monster I guess the nice guy act can go in the garbage"
I began looking around the bathroom in search of his new wife, she must be in the damn dirty clothes basket cause he isn't talking to me , "what are you looking for Rachel? " he asked "well you said future wife, and since I don't see her I guess Ima help you look ,

chuckling he shook his head coming near me I was suddenly trapped between him and the shower door , he suddenly picked me up by my waist my legs automatically wrapping themselves around his waist , he then set me on the counter and began unbuttoning my shirt , slapping and clawing at his hands didn't do a damn thing as he continued , I would be turned on because let's be honest, this is one fine white boy but my trust in him was gone, the love I had for him was gone and, I officially hate him, for trying to take something so precious to me I will never forgive him.

Next chapter will be a sex scene if you have a unnerving feeling about reading about rape (which I do too but it's a part of the story) then please do not read this chapter. Skip over it I promise in the chapter after you will still have an idea of what happened but the story with continue as usual.

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