[14] A Vampire Always Gets What He Wants

Start from the beginning

Sebastian’s bedroom door opened, revealing a fearful looking Kurt.

“What’s going on Kurt?” I asked in concern watching Kurt’s eyes lock onto my wrist.

“I’ve informed Sebastian of what has occurred and he’s on his way.”

“What! Why? It can‘t possibly be that bad. It‘s just a mark.” I said in exasperation. I didn't want to see Sebastian right now, I was just starting to forget about him and the feelings he stirred within me just by a touch or glance my way.

Kurt tore his gaze away from the mark and sat down on the couch across from me. “It’s much more than just a mark Kate. I’ve only read about this ever happening. It’s unheard of for a demon to mark a human usually when a demon marks someone it’s another demon to show their possession over them to others. That they belong to them and nobody else,” he said his eyebrows furrowing in thought.

“But why would a demon mark me then?” I asked confused.

“Honestly, I don’t know, but what I do know is that it’s all my fault this happened. If I hadn’t been so stupid as to let my guard down this wouldn‘t have happened!” Kurt growled out slamming his fists down on the coffee table, breaking it into hundreds of little pieces, before he covered his face with his hands.

“It wasn’t your fault Kurt. How could you have even known a demon was at the mall when there were thousands of people there,” I said in a soothing voice not liking how he blamed himself for what happened, I mean it could have happened to anybody right.

“You don’t understand Kate. Sebastian had summoned me here to protect you, to keep you safe and out of harms way,” he said lifting his head up glancing over at my wrist, “and I failed him. I deserve any punishment that Sebastian may see fit."

“What do you mean punishment you did nothing wrong!” I said angrily, “I’m here aren’t I? I’m still breathing and in one piece, I just have a mark on my wrist that‘s it, it‘s not like it‘s the end of the world.”

“Kate you don’t understand the significance of this mark. The demon who marked you has the right to do anything he wants with you and because you’re a human there’s no knowing what else could happen.” Kurt said his face grim.

I leaned back against the couch in disbelief, and shock. That can’t be true, it just can’t be. Looking down at the mark it looked so harmless, like a temporary tattoo that would come off in a couple of days, not what Kurt just described.

“Is there a way to get it off,” I asked in a quiet tone hoping there was an antidote or some sort of voodoo ritual spell that would take it off.

“I’ve never actually met a human that’s been marked, I’ve only seen pictures in books of the mark, and each mark is unique to a demon. So I can't tell you whose it is. As for an antidote, we’ll have to wait for Sebastian to arrive, he might know more about it,“ Kurt said before pushing himself up off the couch. “Until Sebastian arrives I suggest you just relax and drink something. I’ll just be outside awaiting his arrival.”

“Okay.” I said distractedly, pondering all the possibilities this mark could do to me.  I just hope Sebastian doesn’t freak out and go all enraged and vengeful vampire on Kurt.


About two hours later Kurt's voice suddenly broke the eerie silence. I pushed myself up into a sitting position on the couch as Kurt tried to speak in a calming tone but was cut off by a loud thud. The door was abruptly thrown open so hard it slammed right into the wall with a loud bang like a round being shot off. I’m surprised his neighbours haven’t complained about all the loud noises yet, but I’m guessing from the murderous look on his face right now that they would rather live to see another day than a few minutes of peace and quiet.

There in the door way stood Sebastian, clad in his tight black pants and vest, a murderous expression covering his face as he approached the couch. His hair was wind blown, pieces of his inky black hair fell across his forehead while the rest haphazardly stayed up in spikes. He bent down onto his knees when he was in front of me so we were at eye level. “Show me where it is,” he growled out, his eyes scanning over my exposed skin in search of the mark. I slowly pulled my arm forward, turning it over so it was visible.

Sebastian gently traced a finger over the mark, a shiver ran down my arm just from the light stroke. I took comfort in his touch, wondering how I could have earlier ever even though about leaving. I guess I didn’t realizing until now how much I missed him. Even if he was only gone for less than two days, it sure didn’t feel like it.

“Kurt get your fucking ass in here now,” Sebastian suddenly hissed out, standing back up on his feet turning towards the open door with his arms balled into tight fists. Kurt quietly made his way towards us his head hung in shame. “Yes sir.”

“How the fuck did you have let this happen!”


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