Living Dead

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((Omg, this is so close to 1k hits ahhh))
Taehyung woke up frequently in the middle of the night, he could smell and feel like something about the house was different; in a way that Hoseok was involved. Oh boy, was Taehyung going to kill that ghost boy. Upon the sudden noise of a simple creak, the male awoke. He could smell perfume in the air, as if someone had just sprayed a Bath and Bodyworks bottle in the room and then walked out. He sat up and promptly rubbed his eyes, even the smell of perfume was burning his eyes. It felt like someone had just sprayed perfume in his eyes. Confused and determined to find out what the hell was going on, Taehyung got out from the covers of his comfortable bed and walked toward the door, sorta expecting something to happen. But nothing did happen. When he opened the door he could see a light coming from the bottom floor, 'it must be Hoseok being stupid again,' Though, he wanted to see if that ghost had been causing trouble again. So, he blindly walked his way through the hall and made it down the stairs. The entire downstairs area was different; not in a way of Hosoek rearranging the furniture. Above his head was a large, crystal chandelier; candles were on the large, Crystal object. The wallpaper was a fancy and was decorating each room. Something was definitely off. Near the door was a mirror, placed on the wall perfectly. Everything looked symmetrical too. Taehyung looked around, he spun himself in a circle to notice all the differences: a large, grand piano was placed in the living room where the chaise lounge would've been and a bar full of whisky and wine was placed where the bookshelves would've been. "Hoseok has a lot of explaining to do," upon mentioning the ghosts name, the house erupted with cheers and screams; Hoseok and a woman entered the room. Though, he wasn't transparent this time. He looked happy. Then Taehyung realized, "it's his past." He watched the two, talking and drinking Champaign from their thin glasses. Hoseok was enjoying himself for once. The male tried to call out to Hoseok, but he would never seem to reply. "Hoseok can't see me.." He realized.
"Why don't you go back in there? I think the people want you to sing," said the woman. She was dressed in sort, black dress, something you'd find woman wearing in the twenties for formal parties or whatever. A black boa was draped around her shoulders and went down her arms, covering her long, black gloves. Her hair was brown, short, and straightened. Yep, this was defiantly Hoseok's past.
"But if I go out there, I won't be able to see you," Taehyung gagged and cringed at Hoseok. Oh god, this guy was able to get laid and have a girlfriend. "Oh Hosoekie, you're such a flirt!" The two laughed together and then took sips from their glasses. He turned around to the staircase, he wanted to go back to sleep. But when he turned around to the staircase, it was lit up and fit in like the rest of the setting of the house. Shit, if he went up there, he wouldn't go back to 2016. Can you even use your phone in the twenties? Probably not, there weren't any wifi towers or whatever they're called.
"Hoseok, the crowd is begging for you to come back out and sing again." A male entered the room by walking through a set of curtains. Hoseok sighed and rolled his eyes, "no way, all I've done today is sing, talk, walk-you get it!" Yep, Hosoek wasn't any different (but the thought of him being a playboy??). "As your manger, it's my job to only help you. But I think you should go back out to the crowd of people, they're waiting," said the man. Hoseok let out a load groan and then turned to the woman, "my mangers being a dick, so I guess I'll be right back." He sat up from the big chair and winked at the girl before leaving the room. Wow, Jung Hoseok (professionalism). Taehyung looked around again and thought that maybe a sip of whiskey wouldn't hurt (would it though?). He walked over to the bar and grabbed the bottle of alcohol to pour into a shot glass. He sniffed it first, "oh god," he coughed and breathed out how it had a pretty strong smell. He cleared his throat after his coughing fit and then sipped it down. Bad idea, bad idea. He coughed repeatedly and cursed about its horrible and strong taste. "Woah, never try that again," he cleared his throat and then breathed in and out. He panned down to the ground and spotted a newspaper, the title was familiar. "No way, Hoseok is-" At the mention of his name, Hoseok had entered the room through the curtains. Peoples clapping and cheering could be heard. "How did it go, dear?" The woman asked. Oh god, she called him dear. "It was a success." A grin was placed on his face as he walked toward her. "As usual," he added and the two connected lips. Taehyung cringed again, how can Hoseok get laid and have a girlfriend? Well maybe it was the fact that he was fucking rich and famous. He looked away and back toward the newspaper on the ground, it was like the ones he found in the basement, but certain things weren't scratched out:

October 30, 1923

Another Successful Concert!

Famous singer and actor Jung Hoseok, performed another concert at The Twilight Cinema. He announced that he was going to take a break after winning the awards for Best Original Track and Best Male Actor. Although, his tour across the state will not be canceled. His state tour begins next week and ends on the 15th of November.

Wait, Hoseok was the guy from the newspaper?? "It all makes sense now," whispered Taehyung. "Then today must be Halloween night," he looked back to Hoseok, who sitting and talking with the woman; they were very close. These must be the final moments leading up to his death. Oh no, Taehyung didn't wanna see that. Then Hoseok's going know slowly after that. Taehyung didn't wanna see Hoseok suffer anymore. "So, you have a state tour coming up, will I not be able to see you until the fifteenth?" The woman asked and Hoseok laughed quietly, "maybe, I'm going to a couple of big cities and performing for three nights." Then Hoseok has a month to live and Taehyung's going to stop it no matter what consequences he has to pay.

"Taehyung? Taehyung?" Hoseok looked at the sleeping boy as the alarm clock went off, making a load, annoying noise. "Are you alive?" He sighed and then cleared his throat, "TAEHYUNG, WAKE YOU PIECE OF SHIT AND TURN THIS DEVICE OFF." Taehyung shot up from his bed, heavily breathing and sweating. "Ah, why'd you do that?" He slammed his hand on his alarm clock and got back under the covers, sniffling and his voice sounding hoarse. "This..device..thingy was annoying me and I couldn't do anything about it." The ghost scoffed. "Could you leave me alone? I feel like crap and I need sleep."
"Are you sick?" The ghost asked. Taehyung hesitated and sighed, "yes." He said and pulled the covers over his head. "Now leave me alone,"
((TBH, I feel like this is getting close to an end, but at the same time it isn't eeeeeppp))

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