The truth?

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Taehyung then saw those lips come together, and the candle light blew out.

Which the dark room would now be replaced by a large, glowing orb.

The room, which once was being lit by an old, dull candle, was now being lit up entirely by this giant, blur orb. Taehyung felt like his energy was being drained, he felt dizzy and lightheaded, so he shut his eyes quickly.
"Why are your eyes closed?" An voice said. They sounded grainy, yet beautiful. "You called for me." The voice spoke again. Taehyung wanted to open his eyes, but he felt like once he did so, he would be blinded by the bright light.
"I can tell that you aren't scared, so open your eyes."
"And why should I?"
"You look stupid with your eyes closed." Taehyung bit his lip in frustration, what or who was he actually talking to? He decided to obey the voices words and opened his eyes.
Instead of a giant, blue orb, stood an almost transparent, male figure. Their light orange hair was parted in two ways ((a/n: we all can agree Hoseok's Danger look is the hottest)) making it him look like one of your average anime characters (or possibly one of those old Anime characters). Though, his attire was old looking, yet it sorta looked like something you'd wear today: a black jacket covered his white shirt; that had multiple blood stains on it. Not like stains of a killer, but stains of being stabbed. "Y-You're-"
"Him? Yes," the ghost replied. "Though you may know me as the one in the picture, but I like to be know was Jung Hoseok."
"T-Then you're the one who-" "Scratched you? Yeah, that was me." The ghost replied with a carefree tone. "Now that you know who I am, I would like to set some ground rules."
"Ground rules? But this is my house," Taehyung was getting even more confused. Who the actual hell was this guy, other than the one who scratched Taehyung.
"No no no, this is my house," Hoseok shook his head and looked down. When he looked back up, Taehyung noticed that his serious expression changed. "So if you don't want me to attack you and your friends again I suggest you go by these rules," he said. "If your going to have a party, invite a lot of hot chicks." Yep, this guy wasn't serious at all. "And if you're that thing that involves your dick," Hoseok coughed and proceed talking. "Don't do it in my room, I beg you." Seriously, what the hell.
"Wait what?" Taehyung spoke up, very confused. "What the hell are you talking about?? I don't have party's!"
"Well I'm just tellin' ya, if you do, invite hot chicks. I get off by hot human-"
"Enough, you're disturbing me." Taehyung spoke up to stop the ghosts ranting. "Look, who are you?"
"Umm, I told you already: Jung Hoseok-oh! But you can call me Hobi~" the ghost winked. He fricken winked.
"Ahhh," Taehyung cringed. "I have another question, what other shitty rules must I follow?" He regretted asking that question.
"Hmm, let me see-oh! In the night, sometimes, I get really hungry, so I do go the kitchen and eat your food." Hoseok said with a shrug.
"You what?" Taehyung's eyes widened. "You can eat human food??"
"Uh, yeah?" Hoseok raised an eyebrow, "and do you know that you humans step on ghost animals?? Um hello? Rude much!" Taehyung's jaw dropped, and in a way of confusion. The ghost continued to rant but Taehyung blocked out everything he said. He was still confused. "Oh! And don't forget to buy milk, milk is important!"
"Uh, question, who are you and why are there blood stains on your shirt?" Taehyung spoke up. Hoseok's happy; annoying expression changed. Now he looked sad, "I actually don't know why, I don't know how I died." He said sadly. Wait what? The ghost didn't know how he died?? "Most people who go into the afterlife don't know how they die.."
"Really?" Taehyung said, astonished. "..that's..depressing." He whispered, though, he didn't know what he was whispering. "Then, how do you find out how you died?" He asked.
"I-I really don't know.." Hoseok said quietly. The two then sat in silence for a couple minutes, enjoying the sounds of the crickets from outside and other random noises. Hoseok then spoke up, "now, back to rules." He said. "Do not go in the attic, I've got important crap up there and I don't want you messing around with it!" Whined Hoseok, "and also, this next one is very important: I have a bad side. That's why I scratched and your friend, you were messing with things you shouldn't have." Taehyung was surprised, he thought this spirit was an angry one.
Oh well. He could get used to living like this, "so let me get this straight, you got pissed at my friend Jungkook, for no reason?? He wasn't doing anything!" argued Taehyung.
"Mnn, he was actually stepping on something very important of mine. You humans couldn't see it though," the ghost scoffed. "I scratched you because you were messing around in the basement when you shouldn't have!"
"Uh..okay..?" Taehyung raised a brow, "so in the basement, what's with the newspaper articles?" He asked.
"It's something from my past, but I don't know why it's related to me! I mean, I know I was this singer and I  remember getting into an argument with my manger, but after that, everything was a blank for me.." Hosoek began whispering. Maybe even taking about his human life was that depressing. I mean, it makes sense. The guy didn't even know how he died!
"um..but is there anything I can do for you?" Taehyung asked, concerned. The ghost peered their head up, "um, could you go out and milk and cookies tomorrow?" Yep, this was going to be great. *sarcastic tone*

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