Chapter 18

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I woke up feeling weirdly relaxed. Usually I'm relaxed for about 5 minutes then I remember that I have somewhere to be or something to do. That didn't happen today. I smiled, and just lay in bed thinking.

A cloudy haze hovered on the memory of my phone call with Jack last night. We were both tired and I can't remember what we said. It frustrated me because the only thing thing I did remember was that it was special and probably the best phone call of my life.

In the kitchen, Mum was getting ready for work while trying to sort us out with breakfast. I was excused from school for 2 weeks due to Zak's death. Which was needed.

"There is toast in the toaster! and juice in the fridge! have a good day honey! love you!" mum called leaving in a hurry.

Love you

Love. You

A sudden wave of Déjà vu passed through me. Mum's words were weirdly  familiar. Mum has said love you before but I never had that feeling after she said it. Why?

I stood there for around 5 minutes trying to figure out why. Then it finally clicked.

I said i love you to Jack last night. Oh my god. I needed to speak to him fast. But I also remembered, he said it back. Does he actually love me? Or did he just say that because he was tired and wanted to end the phone call? I needed to find out.

I rushed and got changed, grabbed a slice of toast and dashed out the door, my converse half on and toast jammed between my teeth.

I speed-walked to Jack's house. Even more thoughts buzzing around like an annoying little sister...or brother.

Jack's mansion came into view. I hiked up his drive, half laughing because of how long it was. My hand slammed the doorbell, desperate for water.

Anita, a maid in Jack's house answered the door. I must of startled her because it looked like she just saw me turning up at their house naked. Her eyes wide, she stared at me.

"Oh sorry! I'm Ellie, Jack's he home?" I asked, breathing heavily.

Man, I should hit the gym more often.

Anita smiled nervously and nodded, and closed the door politely and went to get Jack.

I panted, and took a seat on the top step of Jack's porch. Today was supposedly one of the hottest days of the year, no wonder I am basically dying. I didn't even run.

The door clicked open behind me, Jack was stood, only in a pair of boxers. Anita must of woken him up.

I feel bad now for waking him up, again.

Jack really does master the bedhead. I smiled sleepily down at me.

"I am starting to think you like to disturb me when I am sleeping...twice in less than 12 hours, wow" he chuckled.

I smiled sheepishly. "Uh yeah...sorry about that" .

I must of looked horrible right now, after me rushing here.

It was silent for a moment or two. I was still looking at Jack. My eyes travelled down from his face to his chest, I couldn't help it. "Enjoying the view?" he smiled. I bit my lip, looking away from him.

"I am starting to think you like embarrassing me" I laughed. He rolled his eyes playfully. "Well gotta have some fun, seeing as I am stuck here" he said running a hand through his dark hair.

What did he mean by that? 'Stuck here'? In this world or what? He really is full of mysteries.

My eyes were drawn back to his chest. I kicked myself for looking again. "Can you please put some clothes on" I groaned, although I did like the view. I couldn't be distracted right now, I came to see him for a reason. "Nah I'm good" he took a seat next to me. I rolled my eyes.

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