Chapter 2

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When I got home, mum was still enduring her midlife crisis. Well I thought she had already had it 6 years ago, but I was obviously wrong, since then she has had around 4 of them, so it's beyond me what's happening. But this was by far the worst. She has like 0 motivation to do anything, which isn't good when important exams are coming up and sometimes I suffer from getting no fuel for the day ahead. She sat on the kitchen floor, slumped against the dishwasher. Spooning several spoons of nutella into her mouth, or shall I say...beside her mouth, not all of it actually went in. She was sat there in dispair, in one of dads old t-shirts. While balling her eyes out.

I never really know what to do in these situations. I find it really awkward. Most things in my life are awkward to me though. I'm an awkward person. Meanwhile, Harry was roaming around the floor, and every two minutes he stuck his finger in the nutella jar. He was completely oblivious to the state mum was in. It was expected for him though, he's only 4. Oh what I would give to be 4 responsibilities, just you and your toys. I dropped my bag in the floor. Poured mum a glass of water and joined her on the floor.

We sat there for an hour or two. In complete silence. I forced myself to move, after Harry had an accident on the kitchen floor. Wow, right now I am seriously considering not having kids when I'm older. No wonder mums so stressed. Cameron was out, probably with a girl so I was left to sort everything out. Once I had sorted out Harry, mum had got her act together and was cooking pasta. Well sort of, her hair still looked like a bird's nest and she hadn't changed, but I guess it's an improvement.

Mums crisis wasn't just an average midlife crisis. Mum was unhappy and severely depressed. It all started 2 months ago. My Dad was was in the army, he was fighting in Afghanistan. But he got caught in an explosion. And died. Mum was devastated, she was literally the definition of sadness. Mum and dad loved each other so much, and with a click of the fingers, he was gone. Forever. Mum hardly got to say goodbye.

I honestly can't stop thinking about Jack. Everywhere I turn there is something reminding me of him. I am too scared to tell my friends. I think they would object to him being older and all. And, from what I've heard, they aren't exactly the biggest 'Jack Reynolds' fans in town. They think he's immature and annoying, which to me he TOTALLY isn't.

I hate homework so much. I swear its making me depressed. I used to never do it but the school go so annoyed at me, that they threatened to send me away. I think the school has a thing against my family, they definitely don't like Cameron. My phone beeped. I was a bit concerned because the number was UNKNOWN- it wasn't in my contacts.

It read:

UNKNOWN: hey! today was a laugh, maybe I'll see you soon ;)

I was confused, I mean obviously it wouldn't be the person I'm thinking of, but...what if it was?

I replied back...

ME: who is this??

They replied back, almost in an instant

UNKNOWN: forgotten me already! damn you really are a tough girl to please

ME: this Jack??

UNKNOWN: no babe, it's an axe murderer ;)
UNKNOWN: chill! I know you just crapped yourself then, yeah it's Jack...

Oh my god, I MUST BE DREAMING. Did he actually call me BABE??! Also, I have never known a boy to double text... Millions of questions whirred around my head. How did he get my number? What about ELOUISE?

ME: oh hey! thanks for helping me out earlier x

UNKNOWN: it's no trouble, always love to help a pretty girl out

ME: aw yeah haha, see you tomorrow at school then?

UNKNOWN: it's a date.

I went to bed, the happiest girl alive. I'm not sure about what happened between him and Elouise but I just can't stop thinking about him. I know it's wrong. But I can't help it.

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