"I'm not revealing anything. It is kind of boring but I like being close to all the cast. Could I maybe hang out in your trailer?"

"Yeah go for it." Jared filmed while I hung out in the trailer. I watched tv and raided his snacks and just hung out on his couch. It was fun. Suddenly, late that night, the tv just shut off. Thinking it was on a timer or something, I didn't worry about it and tried to turn it back on to no avail. I gave up and went to go watch them film for something to do. I tried to open the door and it wouldn't budge. I peeked out the window and didn't see anyone around but heard laughter as if it was funny that I couldn't get out. After trying a bit more, the door finally opened and I walked towards set and Jensen shoved a pie in my face as Misha filmed. I wiped it out of my eyes and I was pissed. I overreacted and I just had been trying to relax all day and Jensen was seriously making that difficult.

"The hell was that for, Jensen?" I snapped.

"We're on break. It's pranking time. You're part of the family. It's what we do."

"All I was trying to do was have a relaxing day and maybe take a nap and you made me come out here to prank me. That's more cruel than funny Jensen." I replied shortly. "I'm gonna go get cleaned up." I went to the bathroom and washed the pie out of my face. I stood there looking in the mirror and wondered why I was so on edge. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or concern for Jared and everything else going on. I wasn't sure. The only thing I was sure about was the fact that I snapped at Jensen when I shouldn't have. I went out of the bathroom and found Misha first. "Misha, I never should have snapped at Jensen. I'm on edge and took it out on him just please don't post that video. At least don't post the part of me yelling at him. Please." I begged quickly.

"Don't worry. I cut out the end. Look I'll show you." He showed me his post. I sighed in relief.

"Do you know where Jensen is?" I asked.

"No. He stormed off. Jared probably knows." I nodded. I went to Jared.

"Dad, do you know where Jensen is?"

"Yeah. Why did you yell at him? We all prank each other. It's how we mess around on breaks. That was so uncalled for." He told me sternly.

"I'm sorry. I'm on edge because I'm tired and worried about you and I miss mom and the boys. I was trying to relax in the trailer and the tv randomly shut off. I tried to get out to come watch you film since that's more exciting than watching nothing on tv. They kept the door shut but eventually let me out. I headed this way and he shoved the pie in my face. I just wanted to relax and maybe take a nap and he made me get out of the trailer just to prank me. Look, I'm sorry. I just want to talk to him."

"Ok. He's in his trailer." I nodded. I went to his trailer and knocked. He opened the door.

"What do you want?"

"To apologize." He let me in. "I'm sorry I snapped at you for pranking me. Any other day, I probably would have thought it was funny and been fine with it, but I'm really on edge today. I didn't get much sleep last night just like you guys didn't either. I miss the boys and mom and I'm worried about dad. I just wanted to spend the day relaxing and maybe take a nap and I was mad that you made me go outside just to get pranked. It seemed cruel, but I know you were trying to lighten everyone's moods and be funny. I'm sorry I took me being on edge out on you." I told him.

"Had I known you were on edge and trying to relax, I wouldn't have done that. I was just trying to be funny and as long as you know I wasn't being mean, then it's ok. Sorry I pranked you."

"Don't be sorry. I'm sorry I overreacted. Are we ok now?"

"Yeah. We're fine. Go relax and have your nap. I won't bother you and I'll make sure no one else does either." I nodded.

"Thanks for not being mad."

"Of course." I left and went back to Jared's trailer. They rehooked up the tv so I turned it back on. I laid there, set the tv on a timer, and went to sleep. I woke up slightly and heard talking outside the door. It was late and pitch dark outside.

"Hey, is she ok? She seems really tired lately like more than just because we're filming late." I heard Jensen say.

"Yeah. It's just late nights. She's ok." Jared came in. I was half awake but I was drifting out again. I figured he'd wake me up any second but he didn't. I had my phone in my hand and had been finishing up a text before I fell asleep. I was telling mom I loved her back but I never hit send. I was drifting asleep again when I felt Jared take the phone from my hand. He pushed send and plugged it in before setting it on the table. "Hey Jensen," he called out the door. "I think I'm gonna stay here tonight. She's out cold. I don't want to wake her up." Jared came back in and I continued to drift in and out, never staying awake long enough to say anything to him. He placed a blanket on me and I continued to lay there on the couch.

"Dad?" I asked. I had woken up a little bit after I felt the blanket.

"Hey. Just go ahead and sleep. It's ok."

"If you want to go be with the rest of the cast, we can. We can go stay at the apartment. You don't have beds here. I'll be ok."

"It's fine if you just want to sleep. Jensen thinks something's up to where you aren't sleeping enough. Is there something you want to talk about?"

"I'm fine. It's just been late nights and I miss mom and the boys and I'm worried about your ankle so I've had trouble sleeping. I'm ok though. If you want to go out with Jensen and the other cast members, let's go. I'm ok." He nodded and we got up. He told Jensen to save a spot for both of us. We were just hanging out at a restaurant. We met up with them and had a fun night.

Family Doesn't End in Blood, But it Doesn't Start There EitherWhere stories live. Discover now