Chapter 43

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"I will not run
I will not fall
I will not bury it
This is war!" -"Down With The Fallen" by Starset


As the meeting gathered, two chairs were empty instead of one. The Queen sat regally at the head of the table, her chin jutted out as her hands were folded in front of her. Her eyes didn't leave the door in front of her, waiting for Yvonne to come through. The remaining three Aristocrats sat in various positions.

Zalia sat as regal as her queen next to her; her bun pulled tightly back as usual. Xerxes sat, his seat tipped onto two legs as his own legs rested on the table, his ankles were crossed as he played with one of his earrings.

Jasper, one of the last remaining Aristocrats was quiet as usual, smoke curling from the tip of his cigarette.

On the opposite side of the three Aristocrats were the three High Overseers. The three sat smug, not losing a single one from their ranks.

"Where's the bimbo at?" Dominic hissed, his hands slamming onto the table. Nobody jumped at his violence, no one sparing him a glance.

"You know," High Overseer Harlow started, her eyes flicking mischievously around the room. "Aristocrat Yvonne hasn't been seen in a while. Ever since Quintavius was reported dead. The Queen stiffened, her eyes flashing to Harlow.

"That dumb bitch," the Queen swore under her breath, for the first time in a while breaking her cool as her hand went to cradle her forehead. The reaming six officials watched the Queen, amusement and indifference flitting between all but Zalia. Her hand rested on the Queen's arm, rubbing up and down soothingly.

"Crystalia," Zalia murmured worriedly. The Queen waved her away gently. She composed herself quickly.

"Our ranks are falling quicker than expected to be with the selective picking the Resistance has proven to be good at. We are already down two Aristocrats," the Queen started, her voice commanding everyone's attention.

"It's all because of that bitch Quintavius decided would be a good idea to let go! She was just a blood bag!" Dominic hissed. "Take her down, and we cut out our immediate problem."

"It's too late," the Queen stated, shaking her head as she denied his idea.

"Maybe you should have paid attention when I first offered it!" he snarled, standing up with his anger taking reign.

"That was before we lost two of our best," the Queen snarled back; her red eyes narrowing in contempt as she flashed the lower ranking vampire her fangs. He sat down slowly, his eyes not breaking from hers.

"What I was explaining is we can no longer hold back action." The Queen straightened her back, making eye contact with all the vampires in the room. "It's time we go to war." The vampires went up in a roar, Dominic especially enthusiastic as he kicked his seat backwards, it falling over.

"Everyone get the vampires organized. We will take the war to them!" the Queen shouted with finality. Jasper and the silent High Overseer named Kain were the first to leave, quickly followed by an overexcited Dominic. Zalia stayed put, sitting next to her Queen.

"Crystalia are you sure this is wise?" Zalia asked quietly.

"Harlow. Xerxes. Stay behind please," the Queen singled out as the others left. The two paused, turning back to stand near the table.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" Xerxes asked, a grin resting easily on his face. Zalia' eyes darted between the two and her Queen.

"I need you two to go seek out the remaining rulers. Tell them war has started on Estium and to consider making their own moves. I'm sure as soon as we move it'll spark the other Resistance groups to take action."

"Are you going to ask for support?" Harlow asked. The Queen shook her head, which led Harlow to hide a grin.

"This war will end quicker that it started, and vampires will come out on top."

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