Chapter 50

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"Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great."
-"Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" by Fall Out Boy


What do people feel when they die? do they feel a sense of relief as they're emotions are stripped away and they just bask in an all over warmth? Do they create their own paradise to ride out the rest on eternity in as they wait for their loved ones to join them? Do they feel the overall dread as their stomach lurches into their throat when they are tossed past the crust of earth into hell itself? Are the instantly reincarnated into something new?

One thing that Nova never got to feel, was any of those.

Instead, she felt slightly overly warm as she awoke to hear the sound of a bird chirping outside. She awoke to hear the sounds of concerned murmurs and irregular breathing.

She awoke to hear the sound of her own heartbeat.

Her breathing stuttered as she looked around the room. It hurt to move. It hurt to breath.

"Nova," she heard a relieved, breathy voice say. She tried turning her head in the direction of the voice, her eyes aching under the light. She squinted, finding the faces of her five comrades.

"You're awake," Christopher added in, his voice sounding... gentle? Nova went to open her mouth to speak, only to come out with a raspy noise originating from the back of her throat. Leon leaped forward, grabbing a glass from her nightstand and bringing it to her lips.

"Drink," Leon ordered softly. She complied, parting her lips to drink the water. "We are in Oprilon." Nova's eyes widened in surprise as the water slid down her throat. In Oprilon? What are we doing here? Why aren't we on Estium? When she was done, he pulled the cup away.

"What are we doing in Oprilon?" she asked quietly, her voice hoarse. "If we're in Oprilon, then I've been out for a while."

"We managed to find the alchemist again after the raid. She had a friend help out with healing you. They were kind enough to join us on the voyage back to here where their medical staff and supplies are much better," Ridge revealed, a smile on his face as he stared at Nova. "Plus General Yu wanted to speak to us personally about the battle and listen to our accounts. It is good to see your eyes open again."

"So good," Leon echoed Ridge's words, his voice quiet. "I don't know what I would have done without you." Nova watched as a look crossed his face. He set the cup aside on the table, breathing deeply as he turned back to her.

"You're not allowed to do anything like that ever again," he spoke sternly, shocking Nova as Leon's lips smashed against hers. She froze, not knowing what to do as tears mixed into their kiss. She looked up, seeing Leon's eyes closed tightly, tears leaking out ad streaking down his face. 

As if realizing what he was doing, Leon jerked backwards, a bright blush covering his entire face. He looked over to his comrades, even more embarrassed to find that none of them looked surprised. His mouth opened and closed like a fish, glancing back to Nova to she her eyes wide with surprise. A squeak of terror left his throat as he bolted out the door. They all followed after him with their eyes, their gaze switching to the man that went through the door as Leon left.

"General Yu," Christopher greeted curtly, causing Nova to switch where her head was lolled towards the door to take in the man. The General nodded to them in acknowledgement before clearing is throat.

"If you all would leave us be for a moment, that would be wonderful." They all watched as General Yu stood in the doorway that Leon had just left.

"Why?" Christopher asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. The General turned his attention to the leader, an eyebrow raising at his tone.

"That is to be discussed between me and her," the General spoke, taking a step into the room. Christopher stood from his seat, his face twisting into a look of distrust.

"Whatever you have to say to her, you can say to the rest of us!" he hissed, Tony stood up next to him, her hands on her hips as she glared at the General.

"Exactly what he said!" Tony butted in, moving her hands to cross them in front of her chest as she continued to glower.

"Guys," Nova murmured, causing the others to look at her. "It's okay, you can go." Her two team members stared at her for a bit, before switching to meet eyes with General Yu. Slowly, the rest of them stood, shuffling out of the room past the General. He slowly turned back to Nova after watching the others leave.

"Colonel Marie told me your story," he started off simply, stepping into the room more. Nova continued to look at him, wanting to sit up more but going against the urge. "I wanted to ask you to do something for humanity. Tell your story. I'm asking that you write down your story to tell. That you write it down to show other's hope is something everyone should have. That the impossible can be accomplished. That there is an end to the vampire conquest."

Nova closed her eyes, feeling the smoldering look of the General burn into her as he awaited her answer. She let out a deep sigh, her eyes opening as she provided him with her simple, one worded answer.



She tied the strap tightly around the leather bound book, breathing out a deep sigh as she held it between her two hands. It was hours of handiwork that would leave her possession and never be in it again.

It told her story, from the beginning of when things mattered, to the end of her struggles. It was the story about when humanity was at stake. That everything can be conquered. They only needed to begin again with a fresh, new page.

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