Chapter 40

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"I won't turn my back on you
take my hand, drag me down
If you fall then I will too" -"Without You" by Breaking Benjamin


"Oh boy," was the first thing the alchemist said, fixing her glasses as she took in the crowd of people around the boy on the ground. He was pale, cold sweats wracking his body, and his lips were loosing color.

"Please, tell me you can save him," Nova begged. The group stood up, walking over to greet the younger girl.

"Someone give me a bowl full of water and some cloth." Tony was quick to rush off to grab the said items, returning with a canteen and a small rag.

"This is the best we have," she said apologetically, receiving a nod of assurance from the girl. The alchemist grabbed at her satchel, closing her eyes as she shot a small prayer to the god she believed in.

"Everyone, out!" she ordered, purposely avoiding Nova's question as she squeezed her way between the people, turning to push against their backs. Nova watched as Christopher made eye contact with the smaller girl, expecting him to blow up in her face. She was surprised when her fiery leader nodded his head, turning to everyone else.

"Let's go," he ordered, the group piling out quicker than when the alchemist was trying to push them out. The girl closed the door behind her, leaving the five to stand around without knowledge as to the things going on the other side of the wall.

The alchemist sighed, pushing some loose hair behind her ear. She took her satchel off, carrying it in her hand as she settled on her knees next to the boy. He groaned, surprising her that he was still this responsive.

"Am I going to die?" he managed out, his voice no higher than a murmuring whisper. The girl sagged, pity filling her veins as she started unloading her potions.

"I'm going to try to save you," she admitted, grabbing the makeshift cloth they had provided her. She rang it out, wiping his face free of sweat.

"Try, huh?" he started managing out a strained chuckle. "So there's no guarantee I'll survive." The younger girl bit her lip, grabbing the yellow potion and shaking it lightly.

"I can't make any promises. You're pretty far along in the poison," she spoke, giving him the brutal truth. The boy sighed, his eyes closing.

"I see," he answered shortly, opening his eyes to look back over to his doctor. "Can I ask you something? Like a man's last dying wish sort of thing?"

"Okay..." this was the first time a person had asked her to do something for them. She was a bit hesitant as she screwed the cork off the first potion.

"The red head out there. Her name is Nova. If I die, I want you to tell her something for me."


"Tell her I love her."


Nova hadn't moved from her spot, sitting against the wall, staring intently at the door waiting for it to open. She had almost burst through the door when a scream had risen from the other side. Ridge had stopped her.

They had been waiting outside the door for what seemed like hours. The sun was still high in the sky, things staying relatively quiet. The group didn't talk, staying in their own thoughts as they waited for the news.

The door opened, the girl coming out, her hair looking disheveled as she fixed her glasses. In her hands, she carried three potions.

"How is he?" Nova asked, standing from her spot. Her bottom tingled from the lack of movement as the other four headed towards the alchemist.

Humanity at Stake (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang