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    “Is the cab on almost here?” Wesley asked Elliot as they sat in the living room doing absolutely nothing.

    “Yeah,” Wesley answered quietly before checking his watch. “Any minute now.”

    Both guys had been ready to go nearly half an hour ago, but the taxi service had claimed that the night was too busy for a driver to arrive for at least another forty-five minutes. To pass the time, they had pulled out a six pack of Stone that they were busy consuming with little talk.

    Elliot was thinking of his impromptu visit to Cassidy and her official and final rejection. We’re too different, and I honestly don’t see us lasting even if we tried to force it. He couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t even willing to give the a chance. “How could she be so cold?” he kept wondering.

    Wesley was thinking of his last visit with Edward and his official stance on the investigation. It’s out of my hands. The school board won’t risk having you here while such a serious allegation is up in the air. He couldn’t believe it. They were taking the word of a random stranger over someone - no an alumnus - who had worked without a hitch for years. They weren’t even willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. “How could they be so dense?” he kept wondering.

    Both of them flew through their first two beers and gingerly sipped the last so that they would still have something left in cse the taxi did not arrive soon.


    Elliot’s phone vibrated with a text from the taxi company: “Your driver will be arriving in less than two minutes. Please wait outside with payment method ready. All Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover cards accepted. No other form of pay…”

    “Cab’s here.” Elliot chugged what remained of his almost empty bottle and grabbed his jacket.

    Wesley followed suit, putting his empty bottle on the table and heading outside to wait on the taxi driver to arrive.

    One minute passed in silence, and Elliot checked the time.

    Another minute passed. “Where the hell is he?” Wesley’s tone was bitter but quiet.

    Elliot sighed and checked the time to see that another minute had passed.

    “This guy’s not getting a tip.”


    Five minutes after the allotted time, the driver finally arrived to take them downtown. When they arrived at the Buchanan Arms Bar and Club, they considered stiffing the man as planned, but eventually gave him a “mandatory” driver’s fee.

    “Asshole,” Elliot muttered under his breath when they exited.

    Wesley looked up at the name of their favorite hangout and shook his head. “They should have kept it the way it was.”

    “Yeah, ‘Shanty Pub’ had a nice ring to it,” Elliot agreed.

    Inside, the two guys ordered drinks and made their way to their usual seats. The place was filled with scantily clad girls and heavy cologned guys who were checking out the newly renovated and recently converted club. A hardwood dance floor had been added to the sleek interior, and many of the tables had been removed to allow for the new open space.

    Elliot and Wesley tried to enjoy their usual quiet night out, but the increasingly louder music was making it harder and harder to keep up any sort of conversation.

    “And they’re suspending me without pay! It’s ridiculous!” Wesley shouted at his roommate.

    “What?” he shouted back.

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