BLEACH: Aizen Sousuke

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  A victor must speak not of the current state of the world, but of how it should rightfully be.  

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH)

  Don't use such strong words. It'll only make you look weak. 

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH) 


We're all the same. No one really remembers the day he was born. We all have to trust another's word on the matter. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. Just having a birthday makes one happy I think. 

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH) 


There is no such thing as "truth" or "lies" in this world; there never has been. There are only plain, hard facts. And yet, all beings who exist in this world acknowledge only those "facts" that are convenient to them, and take them to be the "truth". They do so because they know no other way of living. However, for those powerless beings who comprise the majority of this world's population, inconvenient facts that affirm their very existence, are their only truth. 

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH) 


Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding. 

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH)  

Laws exist only for those who cannot live without clinging to them. 

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH)  

Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that could be destroyed at any moment. 

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH)  

We think the flower on the precipice is beautiful, because our fear makes our feet stop at its edge, instead of stepping forward into the sky, like that flower. 

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH)  

I guess it's only natural for inferior beings to ride on the coattails of their superior counterparts. If they wish to keep their lives, they have no choice but to obediently comply. It's a never ending chain... as the ones who are burdened with that trust, in order to escape that burden, seek to find someone even greater than themselves. These greater beings then seek others even greater than themselves to shelter them. This is how Gods are born. But make no mistake. They all still abide to me. Because from this point onward, you will witness first hand, the power of the God they foolishly placed their faith in. I will become that God they have no choice but to believe in.       

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH)  

  Any betrayal you can see is trivial, what is truly frightening and much more lethal, is the betrayal you cannot see.  

~Aizen Sousuke(BLEACH)  

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