m.f.a.t. 17

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shit, fuck, ok. are you ok? are you hurt?

no i'm ok, i'm just scared. they've been fighting since this morning

what?? babe why didn't you tell me?? 😨

i didn't want to seem like a burden to you because you seemed so busy with volleyball and a.) i didn't want daichi to yell at you and b.) i didn't want to add on to all the stress you're already going through

(f/n)-chan, don't ever feel like you can't talk to me because you think i'm busy. i'll always make time for you, you know that right?


good, now talk to me. what's happened?

well, my dad's been coming home drunk nearly every night and my mum can't stand it so they began arguing this morning and it's so horrible. i can hear them yelling through the floorboards and my body's shaking and i can't take it

hey, calm down ok? just take deep breaths, i'm right here baby ❤️
don't focus on them, focus on me
hey, think about when we get to meet in real life. i'm gonna kiss you so much we'll pass out from lack of oxygen and i'm gonna hug you so tightly and stroke your beautiful hair because it looks really soft

it'll be my first kiss 😳

then i'll make it extra special. my dad gave me some tips on kissing when i told her we were dating whereas my mom lectured me about safe sex wtf

my mum says we're her otp

oml 😂

wait the door just slammed
the yelling stopped

are you ok?

yeah. thanks noya i really needed that ❤️

anytime, if you need someone to talk to or rant to i'm always here. i'll tell daichi to go change his pads and then come bother me ❤️

are you sure you can say that to your captain??

well, i've been excluded before so nothing's worse than that

not even gonna ask 😂

yeah, you'd probably cry if you knew it was about volleyball 😂

wait what 😂


someone needs to bring round the holy water because i'm going to hell pretty soon i'm sure

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