That's when she broke again. The tears came flowing when she saw a hint of the guy she knew in those words. "I've missed you."

He hugged her and said, "I missed you too."

"I was so hurt when you left and never contacted me. I didn't understand, but I needed some closure. That's why I wanted to find you so bad. I needed to know why you left."

He smiled. "My life isn't so pretty, is it?"

She squeezed him tightly and cried for what seemed like the longest time. "I'm sorry for assuming things."

"It's okay," he whispered.

She wasn't fine, but now she was less worried. It had been a long night and she just needed to rest. "I'm going to go to bed."

"Okay, goodnight," he said. He walked over to the couch and turned the lamp off.

There was a moment of silence before she spoke. "You're not going to leave right?" she whispered in the dark.

He shuffled in his seat. "I'll be here all night."

Trusting his words, her eyes fluttered shut and sleep crept in on her. It felt nice to not worry about a thing when you are in the state of slumber. Too bad, that only lasts for a few hours.

The bright sun awakened Violet from her peaceful sleep causing her to groan. Her eyes opened to see Colton sleeping on the couch. The clock on the night stand displayed 10 A.M. "Colton," she whispered from the bed.

He didn't open his eyes so she got out of bed and nudged him lightly. "Hey. Wake up." It took several nudges until he opened his eyes.

"What time is it?" he asked before yawning.

"Ten," she replied.

He jumped out of his seat. "Shit." Colton headed for the door. "Go get ready. I'll check on the others."

Colton rushed to their room, nervous of how they were doing since the incident. One knock and the door opened. Colette appeared at the door with heavy bags under her eyes.

"Nobody could sleep last night," she said. She let him in and immediately, he could see all of them grow tense.

"How are you guys?" he asked softly. Even though he was mad at them earlier, he was a quick forgiver.

Aiden didn't speak and avoided eye contact while everyone else muttered, "Fine."

"I'm sorry," Delsin blurted. Aiden walked to the bathroom, shutting himself in there.

Colton smiled. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault." He sighed and eyed the locked bathroom door. "We should get going though. Get ready and meet me downstairs in a few." On his way out, he thanked Colette for dealing with them for him.

When he returned, Violet was sitting on the bed. "Are you done?" he asked.

She nodded. "I'm just nervous to see the others."

"It will be okay. I'll be here with you." He held out his hand. "Let's go."

She expected it to be worse. She thought that once she faced them, she would have another panic attack. Luckily, they didn't make eye contact with her except for Colton and Colette. Riley glanced back a few times, but Violet didn't mind since she was more worried about someone else. He was the one behind everyone, walking as slow as possible, trying to avoid it all. Violet tightened her grip on Colton's hand whenever the footsteps behind them sped up. Violet's heart stopped when she realized she was going to have to sit next to him in the van, but Colton dispelled her thoughts when he directed her to the front where Riley usually sat. Riley didn't argue either; she knew to shut her trap this time.

Everything was going alright until...they ended up in the woods. Before she could react, Colton whispered, "It's okay. Colette, Riley, and I missed our chance last night and we need this for an energy boost. It'll be quick." Violet nodded slowly. She forgot they never had any part of it because of the chaos but were they as vicious? Were they like him?

"Stay in the car, okay?" Colton eyed Delsin and Aiden. "You two come with me."

Aiden's head was facing the opposite direction. "I don't want to," he mumbled.

Violet's eyes widened. No way was she staying there alone with him. Colton looked at Violet. "Fine. Violet, come with us."

She accepted it without a doubt, but once her feet made contact with the grass, the memory of last night came back. Was she about to witness everything over again?

"Don't worry. You don't have to come watch, Just stay here outside the car," Colton stated.

"I don't want to be left alone either," she replied.

"It'll be fast. I promise."

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