Chapter 4: Surviving High

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I listened intently, but once in a while got that feeling I get when someone was staring at me. I looked to see if anyone was really staring, but everyone including Kathreen and Erin were so serious listening to Ryan's speech.

I continued listening, but the feeling just kept on coming back and back again. I stared at every single student, passing one student to the other. When I finally reached the Cool Guys seats, There I saw the person who gave me the uncomfortable feelings. Jace, just beside Jason ( as usual) sat staring at me with his deep, deep brown eyes.

His arms were crossed on each other as he stared at me. He wore a black hoody sweater that had the word - Gap- printed on it. His Black jeans that looked new were just adoring (not really!). Though, how much I told myself that Jace was cool, He wasn't really the kind of guy I would say I'd fall in love to.

I mean He's cute yeah, but still. There wasn't anything wrong with his hair, nor his face. He just wasn't my type of guy.

Because I was so busy with my stare on stare contest with Jace Grant, I never noticed that the assembly was actually over and that everyone were standing up. Even when everyone stood up and gathered their stuff, Jace never stopped his staring... And so did I.

I never noticed Kat calling until I felt a soft nudge on my left arm. "Ow!" I gasped while holding unto my arm. "Whatcha do that for?" I asked glaring at Kathreen awfully.

"Hey!... I have been calling your name and shouting at your ear for 2 minuyes and you could at least stop and listen." She said angrily "Who are you lookin' at anyway?" Kathreen followed my sight and saw Jace still staring at me by the corner.

"Hey, isn't that Jace? Wow! He actually has style, huh?" Kathreen said. I rolled my eyes thinking~yeah right, Jace Grant cute and stylish. Thats impossible.~ everyone stood up and gathered their stuff and so did we.

I finally gave my stare on stare contest and decided to do the same thing as everyone did. I carried my books following behind Kathreen and Erin. I turned once in a while trying to see if Jace was still staring, turns out he stopped staring already and was talking to Ryan and Jason.

(School lobby)

"Hey Ashley!" Said Erin with a big smile on her face. Ashely Austin was the girl who was in charged of giving the subjects new kids like us needed. "Alright, so which one of you is Clarisse?" She said.

I walked towards her and smiled "Welcome to Z highschool. Enjoy your time here, while we still can." I tilted my head a bit. I didn't get what she mean't by "enjoying my time, while we still can."

I was about to ask her what she meant by that, when I heard a familiar voice speak just behind or beside me. "Hey Ash. Do you mind giving me the number of textsbooks Professor Stanley needs?" I turned quickly and slightley startled to see Jace. His jet black hair still ever black.

He was lookin' at Ashley, then probably noticed me staring turned to look at me. His eyes shot lookin' striaght to mine like as if he was readin' my mind (though, I hope not).

"Hi!" He said eyes still fixed on mine. I swallowed a couple of times before I spoke to hide the nervousness in me. "Hi!" I said.

"Hows your few days on observing the Community?"

"Great, just great. Just starting to make new friends." I smiled.

I couln't understand once more what Erin meant about her brothers being bullies. I mean, Jace looked pretty nice for a guy his type. Very accomodating, a life saver, popular at school, what's so wrong about him?

His mouth opened as if to say something more, when Erin came out of nowhere and grabbed me by my right arm.

"Hey Jace." She said still tugging on me "uh... We gotta go cuz' Clarisse is late for her first class." She mouthed something at me when I turned to stare at her. The words she mothed were~come on~ we have got to go~.

Jace was staring and noticing the looks me and Erin were having on our faces. He probably saw the reluctancy that Erin had wanting me to stay away from him cuz' he said "Yeah, I think you guys better go of now. Risse might get late. Go ahead."

Me and Erin looked at each other then erin said "Yeah, we best be going now." She tugged me and soon we were out of the room.

"I can't believe you actually talked to Jace. Of all the people, you had to talk to Jace." I ignored what things she mumbled I turned back to see Jace still staring behind us. I waved good-bye and saw him raise his right hand in reply. Then we continued to walk.


Hey, I seems too short I'll be fixin' up stuff. So, sit back and relax.

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