Chapter 13 : What were you thinking?

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Short sorry!!! Ahhhh I love y'all!


{Gaga's POV}

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING VIV!?" I scream as she sits there laughing. "Why are you laughing?!" I ask firmly.

"'s not real." She says with a giggle.

"Holy cow you scared me!" I take a deep breath and continue to put the necklace on her. "Honestly if you asked I wouldn't have freaked out." I say

"Wait so...can I get a tattoo??" She asks, turning around and gazing into my soul with her beautiful eyes.

"I mean....of what??" I ask.

"This!!" She pulls a photo up on her phone

"This!!" She pulls a photo up on her phone

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"I have that tattoo!" I say.

"Exactly. I want to match you! Plus I know the meaning and I love it."

"Well...okay I guess you can get it. If it's small and as long as you promise not to regret it."

"I PROMISE!!! Are you for real letting me!?!?" She jumps up and down and grabs my hand.

" yes! If you really want to go!!" I say smiling back at her.

"OH MY GOSH!!" She runs around the living room jumping up and down.


"Are you ready??" The tattoo artist asks before he turns the needle on.

"YES!" Viv squeals and squeezes my hand. The guy turns the needle on and begins drawing. Viv closes her eyes and squeezes my hand at some points but overall seems relaxed. She probably got her high pain tolerance from me.

After a while the man says "almost done!! Just need to go over it once more." After about 5 minutes the buzzing sound from the needle stops.

"I LOVE IT!!" Viv says smiling at him then at me. I pay the man and then we get in the car

She grabs her phone and snaps a picture

She grabs her phone and snaps a picture

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I'm so happy I can make her happy.

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