Chapter 2 : Gaga

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Hey Guys! Okay so I'm writing a TayGa fanfic and I should have it published by tonight at the latest and if that doesn't happen I'm SO sorry but I promise I'm working on it! Just bear with me! Alright well I hope you enjoy this update! ❤️




[Viviana's POV]

"Wait.....y-you're..." I can't even finish my sentence.

"Well I mean, yeah. But please don't freak out. Someone might think I'm like kidnapping you." I don't move because I'm still recovering from shock.

"Well. Are you gonna get the fuck in the car or freeze your ass off?" She says. She opens the door and I finally snap back to reality. I get in the car and pull the jacket over my shoulders farther.

It smells like Fame.

Now I know that sounds really weird but I don't mean celebrity fame. I mean Lady Gaga's perfume Fame.

"So what's your name babe?" She starts the car and turns the heat on.

"Uh...V-Viviana." I say. She smiles.

"You don't have to be scared. I don't have a penis. I can't rape you." She giggles.

"Well t-technically you still could but...I-I don't think you would and that isn't why...why I'm...s-shaking." I say slowly.

"Then why baby?" She looks at me as we approach a stop light.

"Well first of all, IM FUCKING FREEZING! And second of all, you are Lady Gaga and I'm wearing your jacket. I have a right to be a little overwhelmed." I say

"Hey you didn't shake during that sentence! You relaxed?" She asks. I nod.

"And I'm warmer. But...can I keep the jacket on?" I ask. She giggles and puts her hand on my leg.

"Of course!" She removes her hand and starts to drive when the light turns green.

"Now if you don't mind I need to stop and grab some popcorn and beer from this store up here. Then I can take you home." She says.

"I don't mind." I don't know how to tell her I don't have a place to stay.

"Alright. Wanna come in with me?" She takes the keys out and opens the door.

"S-sure." I say. She looks at me.

"You're shaking again." She pulls me close to her and puts her arm around my shoulder.

"Because you are Lady Gaga. You are touching me. And I'm still wearing your jacket." She smiles and I snuggle close to her. I feel so much warmer. She smells like Fame and scotch. I know it's weird but I like it.

"What do you want babe?" She asks me.

"Nothing." I say. I don't have money. I look at all of the snacks on the racks and my tummy grumbles. Adam threw me out before I had a chance to eat. If only Veronica would've been there. She would've defended me.

Veronica is my step mother. She's sweet but she doesn't dare disagree with Adam. He'll hurt her. She loves him too much to leave but he doesn't treat her very well. Me either. Or Berkley. Berkley is my puppy. Adam puts him in his crate all the time and doesn't feed him. I have to do it. Just like how I have to do everything else myself to.

"Viviana. Sweetheart. Your stomach is rumbling every second. You must be hungry. Let me get you something!" She says. "What do you want?" I look at her.

"I can't let you buy me something." I say.

"If you won't let me I'll make you buy it." She points her index finger at me.

"I-well...I don-"

"Babe. I'm getting you something. What do you want?" She asks.

"Anything. As long as it's food." I mutter. I feel embarrassed having her get me something but she offered and Im Starving!

"Alright. How about some strawberries, a bag of Hershey kisses, and a Dr.Pepper?" I nod and my mouth waters at the thought. She grabs my hand as we walk down the aisles.

"Aha! Whipped cream!" She says. She grabs it and puts it in the shopping bag.

"What's that for?" I ask. she laughs.

"The strawberries of course!" She gets strawberries and the Hershey kisses.

"Wheres the Dr. Pepper." She says to herself. We look around and she finally finds it. She also grabs two beers and a box of the packaged popcorn.

We check out and, of course, the cashier recognizes her.

"Can we take a picture?" The girl looks about 17.

"Of course! Viviana? Can you take our picture?" I nod and the girl hands me her phone. The pose Ina a cute way and I snap the picture. The girl smiles at me and says thanks. Then she hugs Gaga.

For some reason I feel a twinge of jealousy. Gaga looks at me but I'm stuck in my thoughts.

"Viviana? Viv?" I finally snap out of my trance and Gaga has her hand on my shoulder, a look of concern on her face.p

"Are you ok babe?" She asks me. She puts her hand on my cheek and I smile.

"Fine. I'm fine." I say. She grabs my hand and the grocery bags. She blows a kiss to the cashier. Her name is Alice.

"Bye bye!" She squeals. I feel that twinge again. Then I remember: I'm getting in Gaga's car, I'm holding her hand, and I'm wearing her jacket.


Hope you enjoyed it!



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