Chapter 10 : The Talk

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[Gaga's POV]

"Viv. Are you hungry? We can get some Pizza if you are." I smile at her hoping she will say she is hungry.

"Nah. I'm okay." She doesn't look at me. She just plays with her necklace and stares out the window.

" love...I...I've noticed something." I say to her. She turns her head and looks at me.

"What have you noticed?" She asks.

I grab her hand and squeeze it."Viviana. Why aren't you eating?" I ask her. It's better to just get to the point.

She is silent. "Wha-what do you mean?" She takes her hand away from mine and looks at me with a mixture of fear and anxiety. 

"Viviana. The last time I saw you eat was like two days ago. And it wasn't even a lot of food." I say.

"I don't know what you mean." She says flatly. She looks straight into my eyes.

"I had a problem with eating too you know. I used to starve myself. and even when I would eat I would just go and throw it up. That's called an eating disorder, Viv. Anorexia and Bulimia." I say.

"I am not anorexic and I'm not bulimic." She says. She continues playing with her necklace and she looks out the window again.

"Sweetheart. It's okay to be insecure about your body. Its even normal for a girl your age. Or any age. But you can't deal with it in an unhealthy way. I understand. I've been through it. I can help you..." I lay my hand on her shoulder and she pulls away.

"I don't need help, but thank you." She snaps as the car stops. She quickly opens the door and gets out, slamming it in my face. I open it and climb out. I see Peter guiding her through the crowd of paparazzi. He turns and comes to help me as well and all three of us enter Joanne Trattoria.

 He turns and comes to help me as well and all three of us enter Joanne Trattoria

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Joanne Trattoria is a restaurant owned by my Mother and Father in NYC. 

"Viviana. I brought you here tonight in hopes that you might eat a little something. For me. Please?" I ask as she looks at the menu even though she gets the exact same thing every time we come here. 

"Why? I don't have to if I don't want to." She says to me.

"Viviana, yes you do. It's unhealthy for you to starve yourself." I say. I grab her hand and she looks at me.

"Hello you two! What can I get for you tonight? The usual?" Asks Willow, our usual waitress. 

"Yeah. The usual please." says Viviana. 

I smile.

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