Chapter Eight : Hotel Cortez

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If you are a fan of American Horror Story and you have not yet watched the first episode of Hotel (which, if you are a fan of AHS or Gaga, you should already have or have plans to.) This chapter and the next chapter might ruin it if you haven't yet watched it. This chapter and next chapter will be giving away parts from Checking In, the first episode from Hotel.



[ Viviana's POV]

I wake up and look around me. I grab my phone on the table next to me and check it. Its 1:13 pm and I have so many messages from Veronica. She called three times and has texted me like twenty times.

I get up and put a shirt on over my sports bra. I look down and notice its not my shirt. I think it's Gaga's and a rush of excitement flows through me. I walk down the stairs and I'm greeted by the smell of fresh muffins and caramel coffee.

"Well I'm glad you are alive! You slept so late I thought you were dead! I was about to come and check on you." Gaga says as she hugs me and strokes my back.

"Sorry Gaga I'm just super duper tired." I say as I rub my eyes.

"Okay, we HAVE to figure some other thing for you to call me than Gaga. I feel like you are part of The Haus or something when you call me that!" she says as she giggles.

"I'm actually perfectly fine with you thinking I'm part of The Haus. That would be like a dream come true!" I say.

"Well even though being part of The Haus is fucking AWESOME, you are part of the FAMILY. I'd prefer if you called me......Stefani? or.....I dunno...Mom?" she says. She doesn't make eye contact.

After a long awkward pause, I answer. "Alright...Stefani?" I say skeptically. " know what..this is too weird. How about like a nickname? Stef?" I say

"Tara calls me Gagaloo." She says. I see the disappointment in her face when I completely ignore the idea of calling her mom. I would feel too weird. I mean she isn't even technically my mom yet. She hasn't LEGALLY adopted me yet.

The awkward silence continues longer and longer until she breaks it.

"Okay well we can work that stuff out later. I have lots of crazy shit to do today so you can come with me if you want. I have filming for Hotel at 1:30 so if you would like to come you can. Then I have costume design with the Haus for The Grammys and then I have rehearsal with Tony and then Tara wants to go to dinner. " she says

"Busy day. Wouldn't want to get in your way." I say as i stuff a warm blueberry muffin into my mouth and take a sip of the delicious coffee.

"Baby you won't get in the way! That's why I said you can come if you would like to." she says to me.

"Okay!" I say, super excited to spend the day with Gaga.

"We also need to go shopping. No offense but it seems like you could use some clothes." Gaga looks at me wearing her Iron Maiden T-shirt and chuckles .

"Or....we can save you lots of money by going by my house and picking up my clothes. The only problem is Adam would catch me and Veronica would be scared and not let me leave again." I say.

"I'll protect you. We can take Peter, my bodyguard, with us as well for extra assurance." she squeezes my hand. "I swear to you, my love, he will never hurt you again." she smiles and looks into my eyes.

I gaze back into hers and nod slowly. " Okay. so when should we go?" i ask.

"Right after I'm done filming. We can only go if you are okay with it being so soon." she says. she puts the leftover muffins in a plastic bag and the coffee in the sink. "Go brush your teeth my love. First go take some clothes out of my closet to wear and I'll bring you your tooth brush." She says

"Yes Ma'am." I say as I head up the stairs. I look through the GIGANTIC closet till I find some pants and a shirt. The shirt is from the Born This Way Ball and the pants are some ripped skinny jeans that fit so comfortably. I look in the mirror and manage to smile. I see Gaga come up behind me and she smiles to.

"You are beautiful, you know that?" she puts her hands on my shoulders and kisses my cheek. I smile again and we walk out of the closet. "Here is your toothbrush." she hands me the toothbrush. "Toothpaste is in the drawer right there." she points and I walk over.

I wet the toothbrush and put a generous amount of toothpaste on it. As I brush my teeth I see Gaga walk behind me. She has a hairbrush in her hand.

"Can I do your hair?" she asks me. I nod and continue to brush my teeth. She begins to brush my hair and as soon as she is finished she ties it up in a messy bun.

"Do you like it?" she asks. "I'm no hair expert but I think it looks pretty damn good." she smiles and I finish up with brushing.

"I love it! Thanks!" I slip on my chacos and skip down the stairs behind Gaga.

"Okay so first stop, Hotel Cortez." she says with a smile as we get into the car.


[Gaga's POV]

"Stefani!" Matt says with open arms as he sees me get out of the car. Matt is one of my co-stars in Hotel. He plays my lover, Donovan.

"Mattie!" I say as I childishly jump into his arms.

"And who is this?" he asks as Viv gets out of the car. "A fan? Did you win a contest or something? Spend a day with Lady Gaga!" he asks her.

"Actually this is someone very special. This is my daughter. Viviana say hello." i smile at her and she slowly reaches to shake his hand.

"Your daughter? I didn't know you had a daughter!" he says surprised as he shakes her hand.

"Im adopting her." I say.

"Oh that's great! Great!" he smiles at her.

"Gaga! It's good you are here! We are ready to start rolling!" Ryan yells from his director's chair. Ryan Murphy is the director of this first episode and he is quite good at what he does.

"Kamilla! Helena! Gaga is here!" he says to the two girls playing the swedish girls who check into my hotel. Hotel Cortez, is what it's called. "Okay so we all know what we are doing, let's get rolling after Gaga gets her makeup and hair done!"


[The Countess (Gaga)]

I scrape the white powder together with a razor blade and hunch down. I snort the white substance up into my nose. Not for real but just so when the camera takes a shot it looks like i'm snorting it. Donovan takes my arm and we walk out of the hotel together.

Donovan lays my blanket down next to a cute couple and we get comfy watching the movie. I turn to see Donovan staring at the girl next to us. The guy turns and looks at me.

We both know what each other says and they follow us back to Hotel Cortez.

"CUUUUUT!" Ryan screams. "Alright before our GRUESOME sex scene why don't you take a break and prepare for it." he looks at Me and then Matt.

"Alright." we agree. I walk over to Viviana and she smiles.

"Okay Viv i'm just going to warn you...I'm about to be very naked and very nasty. I have to have a foursome with these bitches. THEN I have to rip out one of their throats and suck their blood. So I suggest you close your eyes. You can watch but dont say I didnt warn you!" I say to Viv as she laughs really hard.

"You have to have a Menage a trois with some people you don't even know?" she asks me.

(That's french just in case you didn't know)

"Yep. Pretty weird huh?" I asked her.

"That's.....different! I guess it's just what celebrities do." She shrugs.

"No baby. That's not at ALL what celebrities do."

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