Bonus Chapter: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Why not? Don't you want children?"

Alex paled, "Well...I suppose. Eventually. Yes, eventually."

Mrs. Carter took a deep breath, "As long as it's not off the table completely, I guess I should be satisfied. So how's it going with the Digi-Watch? Which actor did you pick to be in the commercial?"

"I haven't picked anyone as of yet," Alex answered.

"Good. I have someone in mind," his mother said as she pulled out a magazine from her bag and tossed it on his desk. "Hawk Harrington. Lord, even his name is sexy. I want him in the commercial."

"Mother, it isn't up to you."

"Don't you trust my instincts?" she asked.

"You're not exactly our demographic-"

"Abby!" Mrs. Carter shouted, causing Alex's girlfriend to come rushing in.

"Yes, Mrs. Carter?"

"You didn't have to yell," Alex grumbled as he walked over to stand by Abby.

Mrs. Carter pointed to the magazine, "What do you think of him?"

Abby's eyes softened, "Of Hawk Harrington? He's gorgeous."

"What?" Alex balked. "Y-you think he's gorgeous? Even after seeing me all this time? You still think he's-"

"Be quiet son," Mrs. Carter grinned. "It's settled. Hawk Harrington will be the spokesman for the Digi-Watch. I talked to his mother this morning. She said he's in Hawaii. Isn't that where Felicia went?"

Both Alex and Abby stared at her blankly.

"What?" she shrugged. "His agent wouldn't say, so I had to call his mother. I think the two of you should fly to Hawaii and close this deal."

"Hawaii?" Abby turned to Alex who was shaking his head.

"Are you telling me you won't?" his mother asked.

"We are incredibly busy here," Alex reminded her. "I have to-"

"I already booked the flights and the room. I almost sound like Felicia, don't I? You two need to leave in two hours," his mother cackled. She headed towards the exit but stopped in front of the door to look at her son, "Remember what I'm expecting from you."

After she was gone, Abby turned towards Alex, "What's she expecting from you?"

Alex sighed, "A grandson."

Abby coughed before choking out a response, "I should check on...anything." She practically ran out of the office, leaving Alex to himself.

He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a small velvet box while thinking that his life was changing every moment of every day.

Meanwhile: In Hawaii...

"Hello, I have a reservation for Felicia Donahue. I should have the Presidential Suite."

The worker at the luxury hotel smiled as her fingers flew over the keyboard in front of her, "Oh my, what's this? I can't believe...oh no."

"Is there a problem?" Felicia asked.

The worker grimaced, "I apologize, Ms. Donahue. It appears we overbooked the Presidential Suite."

Felicia's hands tightened around the handle of her suitcase, "What? How is that even possible?"

"Did you say the Presidential Suite?" a familiar voice said from behind.

The hotel worker's eyes widened, "Mr. Harrington!"

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