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So I've been awake for around 43 hours. I haven't slept since I woke up at 7am on Monday morning.

Like, Monday night was just dreadful I just could not sleep and I'm still struggling to sleep so I thought I might as well write some shit.

The bags under my eyes are heavy you know, like in the 43 hours I've been awake so far, I've napped twice, each for an hour. So really I've been awake for 41 but whatever.

So basically as I mentioned before my flat is a mess. Like I refuse to take people's rubbish out and so does Sara because we're both sick and tired of taking it out.

The other day Sara's friend was round and I just looked at the state of our kitchen an decided I was just gonna take the bins out. I mean I'd rather just do it then live with the bags on the side.

Sara however stopped me saying that I shouldn't have to be the one to always do it. So we thought we'd write a note or something.

Forward to Monday morning when I step into the kitchen to fix myself a bowl of coco pops I see a note on the bins saying 'take me away'. I had completely forgotten about writing a note so I assumed Sara must've wrote it.

I come back after a long day of uni where I finish at 5. I grab some food from Burger King because I can't be bothered to cook, come back to the flat and then eat.

Whilst I was just watching America's Next Top Model (I do love my reality shows) I hear cupboards banging and all sorts of noise. So I exit my room and see Sara dressed to clean. She had told me how her boyfriend was visiting her on Friday so she wanted it to be presentable which I understood because I wanted the same as my Mum was also going to visit me soon.

She had pinned up a note because the bins had attracted flies and you know the rest. We both started taking the bins out, which took us like four trips in total.

I then asked her about the note that she had written.
"I can't believe they fill these bins up every single day and see them on the side but don't bother to throw them out." Her jaw was tensed and I could just feel how irritated she was because I felt the same.
"Your note was too nice that's why. The pink pen and the little face you put at the end."

>.< that was the face btw. I can't describe it.

"I thought that was your note?" Sara said now looking at me confused.
"No. Mine would've been much longer. I thought you wrote it since you said you were gonna write a note." I replied.
"I thought you were gonna too since you said."
"Nah I forgot."
"Wait so who wrote the note then?" I let out a breath of stunned laughter as it must've been written by Aimee. Steven wouldn't have wrote like that.
"The fucking cheek. She hasn't taken the bins out once you know!"

So yeah, imagine this bitch who moves like some ghost had the fucking cheek to put a note on the bins saying "take me away please >.<"

Oh hell no.

This bitch must think she's Beyoncé, about take me away when she hasn't taken a single damn bag.

I'm about to take these bins and put them in front of your door that's what I'm about to do and leave your fucking note stuck to it.

whispering, ghostly bitch.

Am I an actual prick? It's November so imagine Sara and I have been taking the bins out for nearly two months. Aimee or Steven or even that freeloading bitch Kerry haven't taken it once.

Sara and I were fuming but we just got to cleaning the kitchen. When I say we cleaned, we fucking cleaned like we were maids. We spent two and a half hours deep cleaning the kitchen and I was so mad I was just chucking shit out.

Whilst we were cleaning their doors opened and shut but NO ONE came into the kitchen. Kerry, the little bitch, even came up to the kitchen door was ready to pull it open but as soon as she saw us turned around and ran into Stevens room.

Can you believe? Do you see how I'm being taken for a prick here?

After everything was cleaned thoroughly I made rules and a fucking rota for everyone to follow. I then sent an email out snitching on Steven because a man and his girl didn't enter the kitchen cos we were in it you know.

Stevens the rich one and a man can't buy washing up liquid? I have to buy it & my loan hasn't even dropped yet! (Fuck SFE kmt). A man can't walk into pound land and buy bin liners but is happy to use everything I buy?

So anyway it's like 10pm, we'd cleaned for hours on a MONDAY night and Aimee walks in. I nod at her and then kiss my teeth as she's all like 'Wow the kitchen. It's so clean. Thank you."

You don't understand how angry the two words 'thank you' made me. This cheeky bitch. I just wanted to look at her with the >.< face but I don't even know how to make it(?)

So I'm standing on the side whilst Sara just explains how bad the state was and all that stuff and Aimee's all like 'I left the note because I've taken the bin out like four or five times.'

I'm just like fuck off. This bitch DID NOT just say she took the bin out. What do you call me doing it every week apart from this one then?! What the fuck was she carrying out?

Then she's all like 'I would've helped but I had a meeting."

Really bitch? A meeting at this time? From when I done seen you walk up to the kitchen door and turn away.

I was just thinking someone take this bitch out with the bins next time.

Then she kept thanking us like shut up. I'm not a maid. I'm not a cleaner. I'm not your god damn mother.

Sara and I eventually leave her in the kitchen to take out the final bin which was just full of all the empty bottles of cleaning detergents and shit and talk about how cheeky Aimee is.

"I wouldn't have even owned up to the note you know. That's embarrassing because we both know only the two of us have taken the bins." Sara said as I walked out.
"You stood there proper quiet though with the most irritated expression. I felt kind of bad though."
"Because I was! I lived with her last year and she makes the same excuses. I felt sorry for her last year but now I know it's just excuses I couldn't care less."

So now we re enter the flat to hear shouting and what sounded like crying from Stevens room.
"They sound like they're arguing." Sara said, basically speaking my exact thoughts.
"Probably because she didn't clean the kitchen." We both fixed a bowl of cereal to snack on when we heard a bang. I was like is this guy hitting her or something?

I eventually went back to my room and Sara went back to hers. I wrote for a while and then decided I would go to bed since I had to get up early the next morning.

So here I am lying in bed and hours are passing. I'm thinking what the hell? Sleep where art thou?

I then had Xavier call at like 3am saying he wanted to crash so I was like cool come through and he showed up not too long after.

I let him have the bed this time but he knew to keep the distance because I'm that type of person that needs a lot of space (I'm a really, really bad sleeper).

Then out of nowhere we hear sobbing from Stevens room since his is next to mine. I'm thinking what the fuck is going on? Xavier by this point is half asleep whilst I'm wide awake like what the fuck is wrong with me? I have to get up at 6 and I'm still awake.

It was coming up to 5 and I thought fuck it I'm staying awake since I won't get up if I go to bed now and Xavier (bless him) stayed up trying to help me get to sleep.

Nothing worked.

I tried EVERYTHING. I even counted sheep then I counted lions chasing the sheep. I was so annoyed whereas Xavier was fighting to stay awake but he eventually knocked out at 7 and we both decided not to attend lectures that day.

So at about 8, after my regular morning routine I went to grab myself a latte to get me through this day. If I went to sleep now my whole sleeping pattern would stay messed up.

So after I bought my latte I walked into the kitchen to see a note stuck up besides mine saying 'thank you for cleaning the kitchen girls!' In big writing.

It was obviously from Steven but then in small print in the corner it said 'can you also not leave plastic bottles around and dispense of then immediately."

I knew he wrote that because I had stated how people shouldn't leave bits in the sink and etc etc but this guy.

This guy who can't even pour from a fucking kettle had the nerve to talk to me about my evian bottles. My water bottles aren't attracting flies.

A man is upset because he knows everything I wrote applies to him so wrote back something just so it looks like he isn't the only one.

Well he isn't. It's him and Aimee and Kerry.

This guy must think he's Beyoncé's husband to not be lifting a finger you know. But anyway, Sara then walks into the kitchen in her robe and makes herself a cuppa.
"Not going uni?" She asked.
"Nah, I'll spend the day catching up. I haven't slept yet." She shook her head at me and sat down on the opposite stool.

As we sat there I saw Kelly, from reception come up and knock on Stevens door. Sara and I looked at each other as we knew it was because we snitched.

The thing that got me to snitch was because him smoking really irritated Sara's throat and I just wanted to snitch anyway cos he was pissing me off.

Kelly then walked through the kitchen door and looked at us.
"I got your email and I jut knocked on his door to remind him that smoking is a breach of contract but no one's opening. There's someone in there though." I shook my head as I remembered when Xavier knocked on his door that time about the refrigerator and no one opened.
"If you see that he smokes again please let us know. Until then I'll try again or I'll just have to print the contract and slide it under the door." We nodded and she left.

Sara and I both left and I walked back into my room to see Xavier proper comfortable in my bed. He woke up at like 11 and then as soon as we left my room to go to the kitchen guess who appears?

Miss 35,000 notes walks out and smiles up at Xavier.

This snap backs and Jordan's bitch is here every damn day.

When she looks away from Xavier this girl gives me the most filthiest look she could muster.

What the fuck did I do?

She follows us into the kitchen and she puts the kettle on. I'm just like okay that's enough.
"It's your turn to take the bins out."
"Pardon?" I looked at her and forced a smile as I repeated what I had just said. She looked away and started fixing herself breakfast. Everything was cool until I saw her whip out my spoon.

"That's mine you know." I said grinding my teeth. She looked at me and threw my spoon in the sink.

Where's the fucking respect. Did I not state previously that I was the Beyoncé of this flat. NOT HER. I wanted to throw her out the window the way she threw my spoon.

Then she had the nerve to ask Xavier if he wanted her to make breakfast for him.
"No he's having cereal." I answered for him as I slid the box of coco pops in his direction. She continued looking at him but he knew better than to accept her cooking for him and stated how he'd rather have a bowl of coco pops.

What's better than coco pops anyway?

Anyway, if anyone knows how to induce sleep please let me know. Like why am I unable to sleep? Its been 44 hours now and I'm wide awake. This is ridiculous. I have to be up in three hours but I've not even yawned. I've not slept since Monday. It's now Wednesday.

I wrote this all on my iPad whilst trying to sleep so sorry about the mistakes and all the nonsense.

Oh, btw sleeping pills are not an option.

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