#6 the re-fxcking-frigerator

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I wasn’t planning to update this any time soon but omg. I feel like I’m going to die soon.

Two weeks ago I smelt something strange in the refrigerator and I thought it was the apples I had kept in there so I threw them out. Forward two weeks later and it fucking smells like someone’s died in there. I know it’s either Steven’s or Aimee’s food (because I don’t keep anything in there at the moment apart from milk and water) but they don’t have the fucking initiative to throw it out. Like I have to hold my breath every time I open it and then run over to the open window to inhale fresh air.

I can’t cope anymore. Imagine I bought a sandwich yesterday kept in there, opened it up today to eat and it fucking tasted like how the refrigerator smelt. I nearly threw up.

You don’t understand I gag every time I open it if I’m not holding my breath and I can’t even hold my breath for long. Why do I have to put in so much effort when I have to open the refrigerator?! This isn’t what normal people have to put up with. Like I have to warm up and everything. I’m literally standing, doing breathing exercises, shaking my limbs and mentally preparing myself before I open it. Do you know how much time doing that wastes? For me to retrieve common Evian water?

So I knocked on their doors today because this is just ridiculous now and no one fucking answered?! So I went back into my room and I SWEAR I heard someone open their door and leave the flat. Now I’m here struggling to write a note because I don’t want to come across as a horrible person. I’ve done it three times and I’ve had to cross it out because I didn’t censor it.

I can’t stress how BAD it is. Like it swear to you if I knew what dead people smelt like that would be it!!!! It’s fucking disgusting. And I can’t even write a fucking note without swearing because I’m so annoyed that they can’t use their commonsense to REMOVE whatever they have in the re-fucking-frigerator.

I know I need to regulate but how can I when they’re basically ghosts?! Like if I didn’t hold my breath when I open the refrigerator I would be like down for the count, knocked out cold you know, unconscious.

Why do little things have to be made so difficult for me? 

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