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This took me a little while to post because I’ve been unpacking all day.

But listen, I leave my house today, was delayed two hours and reached my flat at 2pm.

Now, just the other day I quickly log online to check my bank balance and I was just looking at everything that’s gone in and out of my account the past month. So I was scrolling until I reached the amount I had received from my accommodation.

Last year I paid £250 deposit and you get that back at the end right. So when I was moving out in July they had checked my room and my bit in the kitchen and said it was perfect but the kitchen overall was a tip and they would not give me my full deposit. I was like? But I’ve only come back after like two months, barely cooked or used the kitchen. If anything I was packing my shit away. In the end they said they would not give me my deposit back until everyone had moved out. I had agreed to split the charges because obviously I’m not going to lose out on half of my deposit (which my mum paid for me anyway) for something I didn’t do. These times only Danika and Destiny were here, well mostly Danika because Destiny left a week after I did in May.

But yeah I agreed to split and I went back home in July. Destiny came back to pack up a few days after me and she left and had text me then too saying that all the charges would be lifted off of us because it’s Danika’s mess. She’s the one that’s been living here with her boyfriend so it has nothing to do with us. So I was like cool then, I thanked her and what not.

So when I came to check my online bank statement the other day I was a bit baffled to find that I hadn’t got my full deposit. So I hit Destiny up on whatsapp and asked if she got all hers back and she said yeah so I’m thinking what?

I move in today and I go to the reception to get my key. And the receptionist was like she’d come up with me because apparently the kitchen hasn’t been fully cleaned yet due to some issues. We unlock the main door and the first thing I notice is a long note stuck on the kitchen door. I haven’t even entered my room at the point. I stand there reading it with the receptionist and basically it said that they had cleaned the kitchen and threw out what was theirs. Anything that’s left is of previous tenants. It was signed by Danika with the date (31st August).

The receptionist left I moved all my stuff in and then walked into the kitchen. FAM. The kitchen was full of HER shit. I open the fucking fridge and freezer and its HER shit. She fucked me over. She shoved all her shit into everyone else’s drawers to make it look like we left our shit when we hadn’t. She fucking left her shit and took her full deposit and I’m here looking like some prick? Like what the fuck?

These times she always used to say to me she didn’t care about her deposit because it’s not her money (her boyfriend paid it and he’s rich anyway). I was so vex I felt like breaking everything you know.  She left everything here; she didn’t bother to chuck anything away.

We moved out in JULY she moved out on the LAST day of August. A whole six weeks she was here by herself and I have to pay for her shit. Fuck off now. I’m so pissed off because I was willing to split the charges but now I’m paying for her mess.


I fucking can’t deal with people anymore. I’m so sick and tired of people taking me for a prick.

I fucking text her saying “are you fucking serious?” after I ranted on the phone to Jamaen and she hasn’t even messaged me back.

I text her again. "Am i a prick?"

No reply.

I call her.

No reply.

I text her again. "so you're going to pin your charges on me and basically take my deposit but not reply nah?"

No. fucking. reply. 

Like I know it’s just a deposit and thankfully it wasn’t everything (it was only £25, still could’ve bought me new shoes though) but it’s the fucking right thing to do. Own up to your fucking shit! Urghhhhhhhhhhh whyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I’m so pissed offffff. I found out seven hours ago and I’m still so fucking angry. I’m ready to kill someone you know, no joke.

Can we PLEASE just pray I have nice, non-sneaky flat mates this year. Please, please, PLEASE.

Can’t even walk into the kitchen because that note is the first thing I see and I just want to punch someone. Preferably Danika but I can’t because she’s graduated and I doubt I’ll even see her anymore.


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