20. Irene

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Dylan pov

"Mom can be home now any minute, maybe she's home already. I totally forgot! We have to go back" he said. I nodded and gave him his clothes back. I was a little sad that we had to stop so sudden, but he was right, we had to go back.
When we were dressed we walked to the front of the building. "Here's your drawing, by the way" I said when I gave my drawing of him. "Oh, wow, it's beautiful! You really have talent!" He said before he kissed me.

As fast as we could we ran back to Thomas's house.
When we arrived at the house Thomas' mother just opened the front door. "Through the back" Thomas said. We walked through his garden towards the back door.
Thomas tried to open the backdoor, "locked" he said "What now?" I thought about how I climbed the plant next to his balcony earlier. "We could go this way?" I said pointing at the plant. Thomas nodded. "I don't think I locked the balcony door, so I guess it's still open"
And just in time we stood at the balcony. "Thomas? Oh, there you are" Thomas's mom said as she saw us standing on the balcony. Thomas opened the balcony door. "Yea, we were here, watching the night sky" Thomas said. I looked at the time on my phone, it was almost one AM.
"Can I please stay for the night, miss Sangster?" I asked as polite as possible. She smiled at me, "of course you can, you're always welcome" she said.
"Thank you"

Thomas pov

"Too bad my mom is home" I said. Dylan frowned "why?" "Because then we could, you know..."
"Then we didn't have to stop" Dylan said with a smile.
Dylan gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Come on, lets go to bed" he said.

Just before we were about to get in bed, my phone rang.
It was Irene.
"Irene, why are you calling me so late?" Was the first thing I said when I picked up.
"Uh... I felt lonely, and I thought, maybe, you could keep me company?" I could hear she was a little nervous and I didn't want to be rude. "Eh... I guess... do you mind if there's someone with me right now?" I said to her. "That's fine, who's it?" She asked.
"You know Dylan O'Brien?" I asked while I put my phone on speaker.

I'm pretty sure that if I would've been able to see her, her eyes would light up because she responded with "DID YOU JUST SAY DYLAN?! THE MOST POPULAR GUY OF KGH?!"
KGH is our school, it stands for King George High-school.
Dylan laughed, "it's not like I'm a celebrity" Thomas laughed too "yea, you wish you were!"
"Can you imagine, me, famous, for what? Acting or something?" All three of us laughed, but accidentally I clicked Irene away.
The minute I did, she texted me

Why'd you click me away?

Honestly, I didn't really want to talk anymore anyway, so I said that we were going to bed and we said goodnight.

"I think that Irene girl is a little weird" Dylan said. I agreed, she was a little strange, but I also saw things in her that I liked.

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