3. hurt

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Thomas POV

"You won't believe me anyway". I looked at her "please, tell me". "Only if you promise that you won't interrupt me" she finally said. I nodded, then she started talking "Dylan is a sweet guy and he wouldn't hurt anyone" I had a hard time not saying anything, Dylan, sweet? So I just gave her a confused look. "When I first fell for him it was only because he was very popular, everybody knew him and he was handsome you know?" After a short pause she continued. "Later I found out he was a sweet guy, I know you don't believe me, but it's true. When I dated him I found out he was very nice, that's when he stopped bullying people. But a month later he started to being mean to other people again. It's not his fault, society forced him. I told him I didn't want to continue with this relationship if he wasn't himself, but his "friends" kind of forced him to be mean. End of relationship and story" I was shocked, his friends froced him to be mean? Maybe he let me go because nobody else saw me, maybe he is nice... "you seem pretty shocked" Lily said with a little laugh. "Thanks for the talk" I finally said "maybe I'll see you another time" she gave me a short hug and I left.

Dylan POV

I looked at myself in the mirror, you are a shame for society. I wanted to take a shower but when I walked in the shower there were bottles on the floor. Great, dad has been drinking. That's probably why he punched me. I trew the bottles away and stepped into the shower, I wanted to wash it all away. If I was lucky enough, maybe I would wash away too.

Thomas pov

*next day*

I was at school, and as I was waiting in front of the classroom, I saw Dylan. This is the last thing I want today. I couldn't help myself but staring at him. Please, don't hurt me. Please, don't hurt me. And as if he had heard my prayers he just walked by, he looked me right in my eyes and nodded. I was thankful that nothing happend, but this confused me even more. The next classes I couldn't concentrate and felt nervous. Maybe he is planning on something?

Dylan POV

I walked past that guy who I walked into yesterday. I nodded at him, he probably didn't see it. When I was sitting in the class room waiting for the teacher to come, Jace walked in. "Hey, dude! I just saw that guy, what was his name again? I don't know, what does it matter anyway. If we're fast we can beat him before he goes into his class room" beat him? No, I don't want to do that. "maybe another time, I'm kind of tired and I don't wanna skip a class" Jace rolled his eyes "you skip class so often, just come with me" I couldn't do anything about it and I just stood up as the teacher walked in. Thank god.

When it was lunch time I saw the guy sitting at a table, I really needed to know his name. "You've been staring for a while now" Brody said, while he was sitting next to me. "He's probably planning his revenge on that boy over there" Jace said with a nasty smile on his face "why not get him now?" He added. "Dylan, Dylan, Dylan..." Jace chanted and soon the others joined him "Dylan! Dylan! Dylan!" I didn't want to hurt he guy, but I couldn't stand the boys yelling my name for one more second. "Okay, okay..." I hushed them "guess a little punch wouldn't hurt that much?" I knew it was wrong, I god damn knew it was wrong!
I walked towards the guy, I felt guilty already. Finally there the guy looked up, he looked terrified. "What's your name?" I asked as confident as I could. "I-it's T-Thomas" he said.
"What are you waiting for?" Someone yelled behind me.
"I am so sorry, Thomas" I said quiet before I punched him in his jaw a little too hard.

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